Page 16 of The Hard Fall

“Please.” Tido closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. “Please be right for me.”

“I promise to never break your heart.” Kenji sank his sharp teeth into Tido’s shoulder.

Tido arched his back, crying out. It felt as if something had snapped inside of him, and now he felt Kenji. Really felt him, as if his mate had joined souls with him. It was hard to explain, but it was the most bizarre and freeing feeling in the world.

Kenji growled, driving in deeper, and then buried his cock as he slid his teeth free. “Mine,” Kenji snarled.

“Yours,” Tido shouted. His orgasm crashed into him like a car going eighty into a wall. Not only did his body shatter but so did his senses.

He struggled for air as Kenji eased out of him, and then Kenji pulled Tido down onto the cushions, curling his body around Tido’s.

“Mine,” Kenji murmured. “Tell me what you’re thinking.”

There was so much going on in Tido’s mind. He didn’t know where to begin or what to even talk about. How did someone open up to another when they’d just met? It had been easier to talk to Kenji before they’d had sex. Now?

“Me, too,” Kenji said. “A lot going on in our heads.”

Tido turned to face Kenji. “Like?”

“Like the fact that shifters act as if finding one’s mate is an automatic thing.” He shrugged. “There’s a lot more to it than that. You just met me, and the pull drew you to me, and now our souls are bound forever, and I don’t even know your last name. It’s a head trip.”

“Macon,” Tido said. “That’s my last name.”

“Diaz,” Kenji said.

“I’m twenty-six.”

“Over three hundred.”

Tido’s brows shot to his hairline. He knew shifters existed. Knew mates were a real thing, but holy shit! He had no idea they lived that long.

“Parents?” Kenji asked.

“They’re still alive. They’re good people and still live in Midnight Falls. I just talked to my dad earlier about what I should do with you.”

One of Kenji’s brows arched. “I’m pretty sure he didn’t say come over and have sex with me.”

Tido chuckled. “No, but he did tell me to give this a shot.”

“I like him already.” Kenji smiled. “I’m glad you came over, and I’m happy we’re mated. Now we have to get the lowdown on each other.”

“That’s one way to put it.” Tido laughed. “Okay. I’ve only dated two men in my entire life. I already told you about them.”

“Craig was your first? Did he know that?”

“No.” Tido looked away. “He was cool and all, but I never felt like I could confide in him. Then he blew things by suggesting, more than once, that we should involve other people in our bedroom.”

“What a dick,” Kenji said.

Tido lifted one shoulder. “I dumped him, and a year later I started dating Alan.”

“The one who waited for his mom to die so he could inherit her house.”

There was no judgment in Kenji’s voice. Simply curiosity. Tido liked that. He liked that he could talk to Kenji without worrying the guy would judge him. “Yeah, him. I broke things off, then…well…”

“You were lonely.” Kenji ran a hand down Tido’s back. “We all get lonely and do stupid shit we regret, Tido. Maceson is a good example of that.”

“You got lonely?” Tido was surprised. Kenji was too good-looking to not have a bed partner. He wouldn’t doubt if eager lovers lined up around the corner just to have sex with the guy.