Page 27 of Marked for the Pack

Freya laughed, smiling as she looked between him and Gage. Seeing her snow-blue eyes light up with joy like that? It killed me. I wanted to be the one making her smile.

I’d tried to convince myself to let her go, and the struggle to maintain my distance had made me say and do stupid things. But Flint’s madness had seduced me right back into pursuing her again, wanting her again — not that I’d ever stopped. Now, every fiber of my being wanted to steal the spotlight, to bask in her full attention.

But I shouldn’t. I would only hurt her again.

We seemed to have convinced her the deal was still on, but that didn’t matter to me now. I would keep my dick to myself until her heat hit. Then I would patrol outside the house until I couldn’t stand it anymore. If she’d moaned my name in her sleep the way she had for Gage… I already knew I wouldn’t be able to resist her heat.

No matter what Flint said about multiple mates, getting too attached now might end in heartbreak. All bets were off until her wolf appeared.

So, the most important thing was to keep her safe during the heat. The scent of three strong alphas around her should warn off any wolf who got too close.

Most other species wouldn’t react to the pheromones at all. Humans probably wouldn’t even smell them. So a mixed-species town like this might be our best bet for riding out her heat.

If it would ever arrive. The longer it took, the more I felt my resolve slipping.

“I thought you had some kind of punishment in mind for Freya,” I growled at Gage, sick of seeing the three of them looking so cute together.

A sudden increase in Freya’s heady scent made me smirk. The thought of being punished clearly aroused her… and gave me naughty ideas. I wondered if, subconsciously, she’d decided to follow us to earn herself another punishment. She was perfectly naughty for us.

And she was the first woman Gage had ever shared with me, despite all my previous attempts. The day he and I ‘punished’ Freya together in the forest was the hottest thing I'd experienced in my long history of sexual indulgence. Watching him bend her over and fill her up while she sucked me off? For just a moment, I'd felt connected to him the way I'd always craved. All thanks to her.

I moved slightly to adjust myself in my pants.

“We couldn’t have taken that job anyway,” Gage shrugged.

My eyes practically bugged out of my head. He’d once complained that she had me and Flint all twisted up. Now it seemed like she had the two of them caught in her spell.

“If we’re waiting for her heat before we take a job, then maybe one of you should bite her already,” I grumbled.

Flint shook his head. “Not until she can shift enough to bite me back.” He swept her hair behind her shoulder, revealing the juncture between her neck and shoulder — the traditional spot for the mating bite. “Freya deserves an equal mating.”

I let out a snort of exasperation. The closer we got to her heat, the more her scent increased, and the more it affected all of us.Especially when she was aroused. The glint of gold in our pack alpha’s eyes proved that even he wasn’t immune.

Nor was I. That’s why I’d bought her that dress and those sexy panties. I longed to see her wearing them, proof that she accepted my gifts. But she refused to wear them until she could go out again.

Maybe taking her out would help me get back into Freya’s good graces. Like Flint, and possibly even Gage, I wanted to help her feel wanted and special instead of feeling like a burden to us all the time.

Oliver still owed us a favor for saving his bacon, quite literally. He wouldn’t still own that restaurant if not for us. Had she ever been to a nice restaurant like Dark Potion?

I doubted it, not with the way the Ironwood pack had treated her. And thanks to my father’s tutelage, I would have the advantage over my packmates at a place like that. They might feel just as out of sorts as Freya, so it could even the playing field among the three of us.

I doubted it, not with the way the Ironwood pack had treated her. And thanks to my father’s tutelage, I would have the advantage over my packmates at a place like that. They might feel just as out of sorts as Freya, so it could even the playing field among the three of us for her affections.

And maybe, while we were there, we could broker a different job with a higher-class clientèle.

“If we’re looking for leads…” I said, catching Gage’s attention. “Oliver could let us know if he’s heard anything. And it would be a good chance to get Freya out of the house.”

Flint let out a low rumble, the start to a growl. “If there’s other wolf shifters…”

“We’re not really the type to end up on Oliver’s usual guest list,” I pointed out. “I doubt many of our kind will be there. But I could reach out, make sure he understands the situation.”

Gage glanced over to assess Freya’s curious expression. “Fine. Explain our… situation. And swear him to secrecy. If his staff or other patrons get word back to Ironwood…”

Flint and I both straightened as our pack alpha’s protective fury washed over us through the pack bond. He wasn’t trying to hide how he felt about Freya from us anymore.

“Ironwood will never hear of us through him,” I swore. “He knows how much he owes us.”

“Make sure of it,” Gage growled.