Page 26 of Marked for the Pack

“Because no alpha can pretend to be that low on the hierarchy,” Heath growled.

Flint brushed my hair behind my ear. “As far as refugees go, you and I were some of the luckiest after losing our packlands. The spirits guided our paths.”

I smiled at the thought. “They brought us together.”

He nodded, but behind him, Heath growled.

“Why did you really follow us, little wolf?”

“My wolf didn’t like watching you go, and I wanted to feel useful,” I admitted. “And I didn’t want to stay cooped up there without you guys.”

Flint’s gentle, understanding smile nearly brought tears to my eyes. “She wants her pack. She knows we’re meant to be.”

“Still, it wasn’t safe,” Gage growled.

Heath crowded in, glaring at Flint before staring down at me.


Heath cut me off. “If you hate being cooped up so much, maybe it’s time we took you out somewhere. I know just the place. There’s a restaurant owner who owes us for saving his ass after a stupid mistake. And it’s worthy of that sexy dress I got you.”

The hunger in his golden-rimmed eyes was unmistakable. My wolf pushed me to flirt back, eager to entice her mate. She and I were definitely not on the same page when it came to Heath.

I stepped away from him, and Gage waved us all outside. “Let’s go back to the house and discuss how things are going to be.”

Chapter 10


Flint’s suggestion that maybe Freya’s wolf would choose all of us had been playing havoc with me for the past few days. My wolf had already been certain she would make a good mate, but now Flint had gone and gotten my human side curious, as well.

What would it be like to share one mate among us? Was it actually possible? How would all the claiming bites work? Did I dare dream of such a thing?

I had more important things to worry about. Like what we were going to do to replenish our coffers now that Trina and the rest had decided not to give us the job.

And yet, Freya’s tempting apple pie scent tantalized me every moment of every day, making it hard to think of anything but her. She and Flint were disgustingly sweet to each other, giving each other long, lingering glances and sharing secret smiles. But what irked me more was what happened when her eyes landed on Gage. His gaze smoldered every time he caught her staring.

Meanwhile, she barely tolerated my presence. Half the time when I walked into a room, she walked out of it.

I knew how stupid I was being. I’d intentionally put space between us so that she would see Flint as her best choice of mate, not me. I’d warned her that Gage and I were more dangerous to get involved with, and that was true… We both had a lot more baggage that could come and bite our tails someday, while Flintwas a less complicated option. But if Flint was right… if her wolf might choose all of us… had my human side completely ruined our chances?

My wolf refused to accept that, hence why I’d been driven to buy her some nice clothes. Even though my wolf didn’t understand many human customs, he knew that bringing our mate gifts might help win her over. He knew that providing for her might show her we were worthy. And he knew that protecting her would keep our bond secure.

Maybe my wolf would be a fine mate for Freya’s wolf, whenever she finally decided to make her grand entrance. But my human side… not so much.

I’d never been one for long-term relationships. The fact that the Howling Echo never stayed in one place long enough for my fuck buddies to evolve into real relationships was my typical excuse.

I’d always been the type to fuck and forget. Sure, my fuck buddies looked forward to when I came back into town after a successful job, but that’s all we ever were to each other… fuck buddies. I’d never tried to form a true, long-term relationship with someone. I’d never wanted to, because I’d known what would happen if I did.

My father had raised us in an environment of constant hostility, shaping each of his children into political instruments. He’d already arranged high-profile marriages for my siblings to bolster his own political career, which meant he was running out of willing offspring to marry off. If he had his way, he would’ve matched me with some influential scion in a different magical species to solidify alliances, just like he had with my siblings. He’d never wanted any of us getting involved with other wolves.

It was part of what had driven me to seek my own path, but nothing could change how my upbringing shaped me into thealphahole I was today. And that guy? He wasn’t any good for Freya. She had every right to reject that asshole.

Which had been my goal up until about three days ago.

If I wanted any chance of being with her, something had to change. At this point, it seemed impossible, but… What a life that would be, taking Freya as my mate and escaping my father’s plans for me once and for all. I had to at least try to make that future a possibility.

“And he said, ‘Exactly’!” Flint finished the story he’d been telling.