Page 16 of Hell to Slay

“I mean, this isn’t even the first time I’ve seen a bloodcrazed vampire in a frenzy,” Jax said. “I saw Hudson in his initial frenzy, but… this was different.”

“How so?”

“Nico didn’t try to feed. It wasn’t mindless hunger that drove him.”

“It was the urge to protect,” Hudson’s husky voice in my ear made me realize Nico wasn’t the only one who’d been driven to protect me.

Questions swirled in my mind about why neither of them had lost control like Nico had. Was it because Nico had killed during his frenzy, and therefore had less control? But Jax had also killed someone, and he hadn’t lost it the way Nico had.

“It’s my turn at watch.” Jax’s words broke my train of thought.

But before he left, he slid closer to me on the bed and gave me the sweetest kiss. “Light of my life,” I murmured against his lips.

He beamed at me, proving my nickname accurate.

Maybe Jax just wasn’t the type of vampire to frenzy. Could our personalities somehow influence our vampiric natures?

Jax untangled himself from our leg pile and got dressed. Just before he crossed through the doorway, he turned back and gave me another sweet smile. And that reminded me of what he’d said about being so scared.

My transition to vampire had been brutal, violent, and terrifying for me. But the thought of losing them had terrified me most of all. I imagined the guys felt the same way.

When Jax went outside, I could still hear his heartbeat, as well as Nico’s. I could hear their voices as well, but couldn’t make out their words. Perhaps vampire hearing was more finely tuned when it came to feeding than eavesdropping.

Both their heartbeats picked up momentarily. When Nico came inside, I clearly heard his sigh. Whatever he and Jax had talked about, it hadn’t been easy.

Hudson and I both held our breath, waiting to see if Nico would come back to the bedroom to take the other bed. I still wasn’t exactly sure where I stood with him. Yes, he’d performed the coven ceremony with us — twice, now — but he’d clearly had reservations about it both times.

We’d finally kissed, but we’d done it under the influence of the bloodcrazed frenzy after having been bitten. I struggled to remind myself that Nico didn’t necessarily mean anything by it.

He’d been in complete control when we were in that abandoned house together, withholding himself from me. But this time, I’d bitten him, making him simultaneously lose control… and return from the frenzy.

Nico had explained about watching his brother go insane when his coven died, breaking their bonds. He clearly had good reason to fear losing control, as his bloodcrazed frenzy showed.

Perhaps he really did want me or Jax, or maybe even both of us, but held back for those reasons. If so, I had some strongly worded opinions to share with him on that topic. Life was too short to waste it fearing whatcouldhappen.

Instead of joining us in the bedroom, Nico’s heavy footsteps stomped to the kitchen. I heard him rummaging around, and I rolled over to look at Hudson.

He sighed and gazed down at me, his head propped up on one elbow.

“What is it?” I asked, gazing into Hudson’s perfect deep purple eyes. This close to him, I could see the amber flecks around his pupils.

“It’s silly.”

“Tell me.”

“I should be worried about you and how well you appear to be handling your abrupt transition into the thing you used to hate most in all the world… and in the back of my mind, I’m also worried that you’re just masking it.”

“You said youshouldbe worried about that…” I mused. “So what are you really so worried about? And why would it be silly?”

“It’s silly because I’m busy thinking about what Nico and Jax could’ve talked about and why the two of them can’t figure their shit out.”

I snorted a laugh. “Well, sounds like we were both wondering the same thing.”

Hudson gave a rueful chuckle. “I’m used to being agent in charge, a man on a mission.”

“And now?” I asked.

“Now I feel like a schoolboy trying to figure out everyone’s love life so we can all get along.”