“You should give me your number. If you ever need someone to talk to in New York or get homesick for a familiar face, you can give me a call.”

I tilt my head at him and smile. I’m not too sure how Trev would feel about this. I chew on my lip, knowing I might need to take him up on the offer.

“Come on, Cakes. You know I don’t bite and I totally respect what you have going on with Monroe. I’m not looking to start any trouble. I’m a friend, that’s all.”

I sigh and shake my head, holding my hand out. “Give me your phone,” I say.

He gives me a big smile and pulls his phone out. I take it and send myself a quick text. I hand it back and he stands to pull me into a hug. I’m reluctant to return it at first.

“I’m always a call away. Pook was always there for me. When I wanted to drop out of school and run back home with my tail between my legs, she was the one I called for advice.

“She didn’t just talk me out of quitting. She called as if knowing I was thinking about killing myself. Right in that moment, when everything was too much and I was going to follow through, she called me and talked me down.

“There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you. I owe it to your sister. Call me anytime,” he whispers in my ear.

I pull back with tears in my eyes. “Oh, Cody, I didn’t know that. I’m so happy she was there for you. The same stands. You call me if you ever feel it’s too much. I’m no Brooke, but I’ll listen and be a friend if you need me.”

“Don’t you go crying, sugar. I just wanted you to know you have a friend in me.”

I pull him in for another hug, but this time, a strong arm wraps around my waist, tugging me from behind. I look up and Trevor is glaring over my head at Cody.

“Not a threat, bro. Just saying goodbye to a friend,” Cody says.

Trev kisses the top of my head. “Let’s go. We have somewhere to be.”

I turn to face him. “I thought we were just taking a walk.”

He pulls a face as if just realizing his mistake. I smile up at him. I should have known. He’s been acting weird all day.

He dips his head and nips at my bottom lip. I cling to his shirt and allow him to kiss me deeply. My toes curl in my shoes and I forget all about what we were talking about.

He breaks the kiss and pecks my forehead. “We’re taking a walk to someplace we should be,” he murmurs against my skin.

“In that case, lead the way,” I breathe. I turn and wave to Cody and the others. “See y’all. Have a good night, fellas.”

Trevor reaches out his hand and laces his fingers with mine. I wrap my free hand around his bicep and lean in to place my head against him. My mind goes to what Cody just shared with me.

My sister was the greatest. She was always there for everyone. She became what you needed when you needed it. This world was a better place with her in it.

Corinne catches my eye and I have to wonder if I’m just being cruel. There’s something about her that rubs me wrong, but Brooke had to see something in her if she had her as a friend. Right?


“Yeah, baby?”

My face warms from the endearment. I snuggle closer to him and squeeze his hand. He glances down at me once we’re outside, through the crowd moving into the bar.

“Did Brooke trust everyone here? I mean, were all these people really her friends?”

He gives me a wink. “Your sister was smart and wise beyond her years. She made everyone around her comfortable, but in that comfort came loose lips.

“In other words, no, not everyone was a true friend. She may have given them true friendship, but she knew who she was keeping close to shorten the distance of the strike.

“I learned a long time ago Brooke would make friends with your enemies or mine to keep us safe. Remember Lauren Fisher?”

I frown at the name. “Ugh, I remember her. She was so mean to me and then she would smile in your face and act like she was Pook’s best friend.”

“Pook knew. Lauren was only her friend to get to me after I caught her bullying you and beat up her brother. Your sister knew Lauren had one more time to bully you before the two of us got into trouble.”