“Don’t I know it,” she says with a little grin and a wink.

I bury my face in her neck and growl. I inhale and give her a gentle squeeze. She laughs as I sway her back and forth.

“You guys go ahead and eat. I’m good for now.”

I kiss the top of her head and reluctantly stand to find something to eat with the others. I grab my shirt and tug it back on. As I saunter away with Cody and Tom, Lynn’s pretty voice follows me.

“Looking good, Monroe. Looking mighty fine,” she sings. Glancing over my shoulder, I find her looking at my ass.

I grin and shoot her a wink. She lifts her hand to her mouth and blows me a kiss. I turn and catch the kiss as I walk backward, tugging the imaginary kiss into my chest and holding it over my heart.

“You’re so gone.” Tom chuckles.

I ignore his taunting and turn back to watch where I’m going. “One day, you’ll know just how I feel and I want to hear what you have to say then,” I toss back.

“That will be the day. I’ll be just like my daddy.”

“I doubt that.”

Tom’s father has been single for as long as I’ve known him. Tom’s mama was young and took off, leaving Tom behind for his daddy to raise. It’s been the two of them since.

“She’s gonna have to be one hell of a special girl to trap me,” he replies.

“It ain’t trapping if you’re in love. I want to spend the rest of my life with her. No trap necessary. I’m all hers.”

“You’re a lucky guy,” Cody says then holds his hands up. “I’m just saying she’s gorgeous, talented, and smart. Everyone can see that.”

“He’s right,” Tom agrees.

“She’s always been something else,” I add, not able to deny Cody’s words.

“I can’t wait until she returns to herself. She’s gonna take the world by storm,” Cody says proudly, as if she’s his girl.

“What do you mean by that?”

“Come on, bro. You have to see it. Losing Brooke broke her spirit. She’s not the same. That wildfire isn’t there, not like it used to be.”

I grind my teeth, hating that he knows her so well. I get what he means. It’s why I’m taking her on this trip. I want to help her find her wild heart again.

That fire that makes Lynn, Lynn. That glow that tells the world she’s a happy, loving person, just like her big sister was. The light that shines in her eyes and draws you in. I need to see that again before we return home.

“Yeah, I see it,” I mutter.


Come With Me


“Hey,Cody. I just wanted to say goodbye,” I say as I walk over to the table Cody’s sitting at with Roger, Blaine, and Tom.

Trevor wants to leave and go for a walk. Corinne has been working my nerves again, so I’m more than happy to leave. However, I couldn’t go without saying goodbye to Cody.

He’s been nothing but a sweetheart to me. I feel bad he has to end his vacation to go start his new job. I get it though. It’s a great opportunity for him.

“You’re leaving?”

“Yeah, thanks for the drinks. Travel safely and knock ’em dead or whatever,” I say and snicker.