My jaw drops even farther when he takes off at a run. It looks like he’s headed straight for me. I’m stuck, frozen in place.

I can’t look away and it doesn’t dawn on me to run. I go from gawking at my crush stripping from his clothes to watching him barrel toward me like a freaking freight train.

“Trev,” I squawk as he tosses me up over his shoulder.

I don’t fight to get free. Instead, I melt into his heat and savor the feel of his strong, hard body against mine. It’s not until the splash of his feet hitting the water sounds that I come to my senses and start to wiggle free.

He chuckles, allowing my body to slide down the front of his. On instinct, I wrap my legs around his trim waist. Mindlessly, I place my arms around his neck. His blue eyes lock with mine.

The Monroe family has such pretty blue eyes. They’re a midnight blue around the outside and bleed into a turquoise, then a light blue. Trevor’s little brother and sister have the exact same eyes.

At the moment, he has me entranced by his. There’s something in their depths I’ve never seen before. Although, I’ve longed to.

My belly flips and coils tightly. This is what I’ve been after, right? Well, why am I trembling like this? The water around us isn’t too cold. It’s actually quite warm, but I think it’s heating up the longer we stand here, waist-deep in the lake, gazing at each other.

“Trev,” I say in almost a whisper.

“Hey, darlin’,” he says with that Texas drawl I hope he’ll never lose.

He glides his hands up my back, causing me to shiver. His blue eyes darken and drop slowly to my lips. This has to be a dream. That would be the only way to explain this.

“Is your sister right about us?” he asks, his gaze never leaving my mouth.

“Right about us?”

“She says we should be together. She says you’ve been feeling the same way I’ve been feeling about you,” he replies, lifting his eyes to mine.

“How have you been feeling about me, Trevor?” I say shakily.

Instead of speaking the words, he shows me. He captures my lips with his, nearly pulling a whimper from me. The one time I kissed a guy before was nothing like this. This kiss has me feeling him in my bones.

He starts off gently and slowly. Testing the seam of my lips with his tongue. As if sampling a taste before finally diving in. Oh God, does he dive in. When I open my mouth to him, he consumes me.

I shove my fingers into his thick, silky locks. He digs his fingers into my back, his short, blunt nails biting into my skin. His mouth tastes of salted caramel and truffles.

I smile into the kiss. I’d know that flavor anywhere. He stole one of my cupcakes.

“Trevor Paul Monroe,” I break the kiss and say.

“Yeah, darlin’?” he breathes in a husky drawl.

“I made those cupcakes for us to share. How dare you go sneaking one before our tradition?” I chide with a teasing smile on my lips.

“I think we’ll be making new traditions,” he says with a crooked smile before pecking my lips.

My cheeks heat as reality sets in. Trev kissed me. Um, let’s rewind this a bit.

“You have feelings for me?”

“Should I kiss you again?” His gaze returns to my lips.

Searching his eyes, I push my fingers through the front of his hair. I’ve waited for this moment for forever. Yet, I’m in shock and serious denial. I need to touch him to make sure this is real.

“Maybe not.” I nod behind him toward our friends. “I mean, not if they’re going to keep that up.”

“Just ignore them like I am,” he says. “Cakes?”

I grin at the nickname I’ve had all my life. “Yeah?”