“I’m gonna kiss you again.”

“Oh, okay.”

He takes my mouth and devours me to the chorus of increasing cheers of our friends. I tune them all out just like he said. In this moment, it’s me, Trev, and the wild pounding of my heart.

I sag in disappointment when he breaks the kiss. He releases a heavy breath, then kisses my nose. I feel like I bloom from the inside out. This is so different from every time he has kissed the top of my head in a friendly gesture.

Those were buddy kisses. Attention he gave to his best friend’s sister. I was only a sidekick to their relationship. Those were moments of looking after me as a big brother. This… this is something absolutely different.

“We’re getting you on that plane.”

I know he will; this is Trev. He does what he says. He’s never failed me or my sister ever.


Freaking Out


I curseand fuss as I try to open the latch to pull the truck bed down on Brooke’s truck. I’m not tall enough to reach in for the cupcakes and my bag. Trev went to get something from his truck.

“Whoa, whoa, what did my truck ever do to you?” Brooke says as she comes rushing over.

“This stupid thing is rusted shut. Why on earth do you still have this thing? It’s not like we don’t have money for you to get a new one,” I huff.

“It shows I have character. Anyone can throw something away and get something new in its place. My truck shows I’m willing to stick to my responsibilities and commitments.

“I’m willing to do the work. Besides, it’s not rusted shut. You just need to know how to show it some love to open it up. It reminds me a lot of you,” she replies.

I stick my tongue out at her. My sister will find any conversation to show her wisdom. It’s something we all loveabout her. Her words always make their mark and cause you to feel like you’ve gained something.

“Yeah, whatever, I need my things.”

“Don’t you go pouting at me over some boy,” she teases.

“This isn’t about some boy.”

“Bull poopy. That’s Trev’s shirt you have on. I just saw him over by his truck with a shit-eating grin on his face.

“You’re over here for those cupcakes. Like I don’t know you two plan to head to the cabin,” she says with a smile.

I run a hand over my hair and begin to hop from foot to foot. All the nerves I’ve been trying to avoid crash into me. I’m going to spend time alone with Trevor.

“He kissed me,” I breathe and release a nervous laugh.

“I saw. Don’t worry. I’ll make sure everyone knows to keep their mouths shut.”

I groan. “I didn’t even think of that. Thanks.”

“No problem. I don’t want you thinking about Daddy either. You go on and have fun.”

I wave a hand in front of my face, feeling like I might burst into tears. I think I’m going to be sick. I’ve dreamed of this day for so long, now it’s here and it feels so surreal.

“What’s wrong, honey?”

“I’m just nervous, I guess.”

“Aww, come here.”