“Me neither.”

She laughed. “I just want to sit here with you and ...” She leaned down and nuzzled the top of the goat’s head. “What did Gunner call you again?” She looked up at Tucker, her eyes sparkling. “I think he said Bernard?”

Tucker did not know who Bernard was onThe Dukes of Hazzard, but it sounded about right. “Probably.”

She returned her attention to the goat, and Tucker felt jealous. “Who names a goat Bernard?”

“Gunner does.”

She kept patting the goat, but she leaned into Tucker and tipped her face up toward his. “This is the best first date ever, by the way.”

He chuckled. “You’ve had somebadfirst dates then.”

She smiled playfully. He never would have guessed that a biologist named Wynona could be playful. “They weren’tgood, because you weren’t there.” And then she kissed him, and it was even better than the last time. He held onto the goat with his right hand, while his left hand found the back of her head and slid into her soft, thick hair. He was delighted to find out that it felt even better on his skin than he’d imagined it would.

She moved even closer and took her hand off the goat’s head to lay it softly on his cheek.There, take that, Bernard,Tucker thought, and then the goat let out a wavering scream that could have woken the dead, and they both jumped. Tucker inadvertently loosened his grip, and the goat tried to jump up, but Tucker caught him before he could squirt out of his arms.

Wynona laughed. “Here, let me.” She took the goat into her arms, and he gave Tucker a dirty look.

You didn’t win, you little scalawag. She’s leaving with me.

“I sure do like you a lot, Tucker Bridge,” Wynona said and then gave him another kiss. This one was quick. Too quick.

“I like you a lot too,” he said, feeling lame. What he was feeling felt like a lot more than like, but they could get to that. No need to rush things.

“Would you take me to the press conference?”

“I sure will, but first, let’s put your little friend back in the barn. He’s not invited.”


Tucker couldn’t believehe was in church on an ordinary Sunday. Nobody was getting married. No baby was getting dedicated. He was just there—butt in pew.

He stole a glance at the gorgeous woman beside him. This is what love could do. It could get a guy like him to church.

“Are you okay?” she whispered.