He squirmed, trying to get comfortable. “I don’t like going places that I can’t bring Sundance.”

“They’d probably let you bring him if we asked.”

He wasn’t going to do that. “They should just have church outside.” He squirmed again.

She gasped. “That’s a great idea.”

He looked at her warily. “What’s a great idea?”

“We should start something.”

Something like terror washed over him. “Start what ...”

“Like an outdoor Bible study or something! We could build a campfire, you know, after we get a permit, and we could have a big circle and get somebody with a guitar—”

“This is fine,” he said before she started sending e-invites. He noticed a familiar face coming down the aisle. She had her head down, and she looked like she felt just as out of place as he did. It took him a few seconds to recognize her, and when he did, he couldn’t quite believe what he was looking at: Nova Silvernail was in church?

She saw him and did a doubletake. Her eyes widened in surprise. She hadn’t been expecting to see him, either.

“Hey, Nova. I didn’t realize you were back in town.”

“I’m not.” She looked at him, and her eyes were red. Had she been crying? “I mean, I don’t know if I am.” She sighed. “My mom, she’s not doing so well. I’m trying to help out with my siblings.”

“Oh. That’s pretty great of you.”

She nodded as if she didn’t believe him. “Nice to see you,” she said, but her words were limp and lifeless. She turned to face the front of the sanctuary. He wished he could think of some way to help her, but he had nothing.

“Hey!” Wynona sounded excited. “Gunner’s here!”

“Yeah, he comes most Sundays.”

“Is he the only one?”

“You mean the only Bridge?”

Her eyes said yes.

“I think Kash usually comes now, which is so weird.” He turned to scan the room. “Yep, he’s here too.” In the back row—sitting beside Colton. “Whoa, Colton is here too.” He turned back around. “I guess I’m the black sheep again.”

She laid her hand on his knee and squeezed. “You’re not the black sheep. You’re my white knight.”

He smiled at her. “Oh yeah?” He’d never been called a white knight before.

“Yeah. In a white hat. On a white horse.”

He chuckled. “Don’t get carried away.” But he put his hand over hers and held on.