Rafe only grinned in response. It was good to see someone keeping Jonathan on his toes. If anyone in this place relaxed less than he did, it was Jonathan. Even Mason took time off every couple of months to travel.

The man desperately needed a night of fun.

Jonathan’s sub couldn’t have been more different. She beamed as she looked around the room, taking in the decorations and costumes, practically bouncing on her toes in excitement. “I’m going to go get another drink, Sir,” she said, wending off toward the refreshment table.

Rafe followed her progress through the room with his eyes, then glanced around at the other subs. They all wore similar expressions. Perhaps Nell and Zach were onto something with this whole party idea.

“Speak of the devil,” Nell said as Zach sidled up to their group dressed as Geralt, complete with replica longsword and a shoulder-length white wig. The armor made even his lean shoulders look huge. “I like all the black leather. Very appropriate.”

He smirked at her. “I told you I was coming dressed as my one true love.” Giving her black leather corset, matching mini-skirt, and opaque black stockings a once-over, he said, “I thought you were coming as Sexy Red Riding Hood, so Rafe could be your wolf.”

“That idea was vetoed.” Nell rolled her eyes in Rafe’s direction. “In fact, I was informed I would be attending the party as a cat or not at all.”

Rafe smiled and straightened her fluffy black cat ears. “I needed my familiar,” he said, though it was a bald-faced lie. He came up with the wizard costume idea at least an hour after deciding she needed to be his little kitten for the night.

“Is the tail attached to the skirt, or...” Zach let the question trail off.

With an exaggerated wink, Nell said, “Wouldn’t you like to know.”

God, it felt good to laugh. And not only that, but to laugh with a whole group of others. It had been years since he let down his guard this much—since before Jess died.

“I better go find out where my naughty little sub has run off to,” Jonathan said, still smiling. “Enjoy yourselves tonight.”

Only seconds later, Zach leaned in to give Nell a hug, whispering something in her ear. She smacked his arm as he retreated, hurrying over to where Gabriel was telling a story in the ridiculous French accent he insisted on using in front of guests. Apparently he thought it made him seem like a more legit chef or something equally absurd.

Rafe leaned down to whisper in Nell’s ear. “What’d he say?”

Her cheeks turned a brilliant scarlet under her painted whiskers. “He said to be a good little kitty so I could have some cream at the end of the night.”

Roaring with laughter, Rafe swung her around for a kiss. “Thank you for this,” he said as they broke apart. “I haven’t had this much fun in...well, forever, honestly.”

Nell’s answering grin was mischievous. “Just wait until the party games start.”

“Normal party games?” he asked, arching an eyebrow. “Or kinky party games?”

She scoffed. “Of course they’re kinky. This is Fairford Manor. You guys have a reputation to uphold.”

“Good lord.” He shook his head but grinned from ear to ear. “I’m not even sure I want to know. Now be a good girl and say hello to Leo and Sophie.”

The Manor’s silent partner and his wife had been making their rounds, and both smiled as they approached. “Rafe, good to see you again,” Leo said, holding out a hand.

Rafe shook the other man’s hand, then leaned in to plant a chaste kiss on Sophie’s cheek. “This is Leo,” he told Nell, gesturing to the sandy haired, blue eyed golden boy. Seriously, the man looked like he belonged on a fifty-foot sailboat, or maybe the cover of a magazine about horses. “He founded the Manor with Jonathan, Mason, and Aiden, but as a silent partner. And this is his wife, Sophie.” Wrapping a possessive arm around his sub’s shoulders, he beamed at them. “And this is Nell.”

“Oh, we know.” Leaning in to give Nell a hug, Sophie said in a stage whisper, “We’ve heard all about you from Jonathan and Mason. They won’t stop complaining about you planning this party, but I can tell they secretly love it.”

When Sophie pulled away, the look on Nell’s face was equal parts stunned and pleased. “Oh, I, umm...” She was so fucking adorable when she was flustered. “Iloveyour costume,” she finally got out, and he could practically see hearts in her eyes as she looked at Sophie.

Hmm. First Gemma, now Sophie. Apparently she had a thing for gorgeous blondes. Good to know.

Sophie grinned back, smoothing down the front of her already pristine Wonder Woman outfit. It wasn’t a cheap polyester costume from one of those pop-up Halloween stores. No, this thing looked like it came straight out of the movie and fit like it had been made for her.

Considering how loaded he suspected the pair of them were, it probably had been. Not as much went into Leo’s Superman costume, of course, but it too was clearly custom made. Rafe suspected he looked like an idiot in a bathrobe and a silly pointy hat by comparison.

The most beautiful woman in the room was there with him, though. So he honestly didn’t give a flying fuck.

As the two women obsessed over everyone’s outfits like they were best friends, not perfect strangers, Rafe did his best at having a polite conversation with Leo. Small talk wasn’t exactly his strong suit—he fucking hated it, in fact—but he found himself wishing he knew these people better than he did. He had to start somewhere, right?

The pair didn’t come up to Fairford often, especially after the birth of their daughter two years ago. Even when one or both made the drive, it was always for a meeting or some other less frivolous occasion. He never got a chance to just sit and chat like this, and actually get to know them as people rather than business partners.