The original founders had all been friends in college, and came up with the whole idea for the Manor shortly before they graduated. Apparently Sophie was the real estate agent who sold them the property some years later. Rafe didn’t know if it was love at first sight or what; he never got the full story. All he knew was that Leo switched from partner to silent partner before the Manor even opened for business, never taking a single client.

The easy way the four founding partners always conversed when they got together left Rafe feeling like an outsider at every single meeting. It was long past time for that to change.

Though he didn’t see how the current conversation would help much. It started off well, with Rafe asking about their daughter’s latest birthday party and life in the city. But in the last minute or so, it somehow morphed into a deep dive into the current state of the stock market—something Rafe knew next to nothing about. Then Nell slipped out to use the bathroom, the traitor, leaving him to wade through this mess alone.

Christ, this was awkward. Especially when Leo gave him a puzzled look after his latest attempt to take an active part in the conversation.

Fuck it.

With a lopsided grin, he said, “I guess you can tell I have absolutely no idea what I’m talking about.”

Leo cracked a smile, and Sophie laughed. “I had my suspicions,” he said, having the good grace to look chagrined. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to bore you to death.”

Sophie leaned her head against her husband’s shoulder. “He does this all the time. You just have to be willing to tell him to shut up.”

“Watch it,” Leo said, giving her bottom a single hard smack. “Unless you want me to punish you in front of all these people.”

She didn’t seem remotely phased by the threat. “Rafe, I’ve got to say, you’re much more relaxed than I’ve ever seen you.” Her brown eyes sparkled with intrigue. “Perhaps the doing of a certain tall brunette?”

Rafe’s cheeks heated, and it took him a second to realize why.

He was actually fucking blushing. Since when did Rafe Eriksonblush?

“Well, well,” Leo drawled, grinning. “Isn’t that an interesting development.”

Oh, for fuck’s sake. He had no idea what would happen with Nell, and he was pretty damn sure continued public humiliation wouldn’t help him figure it out.

Their connection was intense, sure. Infinitely more than he ever felt with another woman, Jess included. But if all went according to the current plan, she would head back to Tampa tomorrow morning, and that would be that.

So ask her to stay.

The thought had been lurking around in the back of his mind since last night. But since it was certifiably fucking insane, he ignored it completely—something that was harder to do with Sophie and Leo grinning at him like they were already planning his wedding.

Time for a hasty and awkward retreat.

“I need to head to the bathroom, too,” Rafe said, half turning toward the doorway. “I’ll catch up with you guys in a little bit.”

The pair gave each other a knowing look that spoke volumes. He fucking hated it.

Trying to pretend this wasn’t the most confusing and mortifying conversation of his life, Rafe headed out into the hall with unhurried steps. He didn’t want it to look like he was running away, even though the other two clearly knew the truth.

He waited until the parlor was out of sight before leaning against a wall and closing his eyes. What in the actual fuck was he going to do?

Okay, it was time to be completely honest with himself once and for all. He didn’t want Nell to leave.

There. He finally fucking admitted it.

He couldn’t hear wedding bells like Leo and Sophie, but his feelings were real. They were the most intensely real and important thing in his life.

Which meant letting her check out tomorrow and walk out of his life as if this was just another week was out of the question. He at least had to find out if she felt the same way first. If so, they could figure out next steps together. If not...well, he’d cross that bridge when he came to it.

Mind made up, he hurried down the hall to the bathroom with long strides. There was no point in waiting. If she was going to rip his heart out of his chest, he’d rather get it over with.

Rafe knocked on the bathroom door as soon as he reached it. “Nell, are you almost done? I need to talk to you about something.”

There was no answer.

He frowned at the light coming through the crack under the door. It looked like she was still in there, but it had been several minutes since she excused herself from the party. “Nell?” He knocked louder that time, just in case.