Page 70 of The Enemy

As he’s driven away with my mom beside him, Hudson wraps his arm around me. Bolstering me, holding me up, and I know what he said earlier is right. I need to make the memories while I can before it’s too late.

“I’m going to take some time off.”

His lips find my cheek. “I think that’s a good idea.”

Neither of us are saying it, but the end is looming like a gaping maw filled with darkness.


“Hey,I need a favor, but you can say no.”

I look up from the book I was trying to read on homeopathic healing as Hudson comes into the room, his hair a mess from where his hands have been running through it. He’s usually so composed, so this must be serious.

Placing the book aside I stand. “Of course, anything. What’s wrong?”

Hands on his hips, he looks irate as he paces in agitation. “You know I sometimes help women get out of difficult situations?”

He’d told me all about how he worked with the shady Lorenzo Abruzzo, head of the Italian Mafia here in New York. At first, I’d been horrified, but when he explained what they did, I understood it more. Hudson couldn’t save his mom from the life they had or her subsequent death, but he could help others. It gave him a purpose outside of being a parent to Tia.


“Well, one of the women I’ve been trying to help has killed her abusive husband and I need to get to LA and help her.”

“Oh no, that’s awful.”

“Yeah, it was. She’s only twenty-two and he was forty-three. Usual story. He sold her the dream and then became her nightmare. We were hoping to get her out, but it seems she snapped the last time he hurt her and she stabbed him with a kitchen knife.”

“Good for her.” I fold my arms. “She should have cut his balls off for good measure.”

Hudson snorts. “Remind me never to cross you.”

“Like you’d be so stupid.”

“So, I need you to watch Tia and pick her up from school. I should be home tomorrow. I wouldn’t ask unless I was desperate, but Mrs. Price is sick with the flu.”

“It’s fine. I’m happy to help.”

“Thank you.” Hudson kisses me quickly and starts for the door. “I’ll put you on the approved pick-up list with the school.”

“No problem. Just help that girl. She doesn’t deserve to go to prison for defending herself from a monster.”

Hudson winks and sends me a smile. “Will do, Belle.”

As the door closes, I get the feeling that I miss him already, which is completely insane considering his car is still in the drive. Shaking off the feeling, I head into the kitchen and look through the fridge to see what I can make for dinner. I’m not quite as gifted in that department as Hudson, but I can pull something together.

I see little inspiration and know some of that is down to my lack of appetite. The last two weeks and spending time with my dad every day has been wonderful. But it’s also shown me just how sick he is, and he’s fading fast. He gets tired quickly, he sleeps a lot, and his pain is an issue, even though he tries to hide it from me.

He said he was spending the day with Mom today as it’s their wedding anniversary and likely the last. I blink rapidly to clear the sting of tears, but my nose is clogged with them. Everything is just too much. Being in the house isn’t going to help, but I’m not fit for company either.

I decide Tia and I will get pizza for dinner. I slip on some flat shoes and grab my bag. There is a place Tia and Hudson love, and it will be a nice treat for her and me. I spend the day wandering around the shops, killing time, and getting a start on some holiday shopping. I pick up a pink ballerina doll that’s wearing a tutu in pale pink. I know Tia will love it. She talks non-stop about dance lessons and, so far, Hudson has resisted. I get that he’s worried for her safety, but he needs to relax and let her breathe, or he’ll suffocate her. But how can I possibly tell him that? He’s been with her since she was born, and I’m just coming into their lives now. What right do I have giving advice to a man who has given up so much for his family?

I feel the hair on my neck stand on end and turn to the window. I’m trying to be discreet, in jeans and a casual navy blazer, but as I stand in the toy store looking for a present for Tia, I catch a glimpse of one of the paparazzi who’s particularly invasive on the other side of the street. He works for a rival company to my network, and I detest the man. He leaked the story about Beck, Amelia, and Xander and almost ruined them.

I place a call to my security and head out of the back of the shop to my car as I see Hank, my head of security, walk towards him with two other members of my protection team. Safely in my car, I head to the school, excited and nervous as I try and navigate the pick-up line without pissing off the seasoned moms. I’m aware from Lottie that there’s a very certain etiquette for this kind of thing and, silly as it might seem, I don’t want to get it wrong. Hudson is trusting me with this, and I don’t want to let him down.

I needn’t have worried, it all goes smoothly, and Tia runs to the car, and jumps in the back.

“Hey, Audrey. Where is Huddy?”