Page 71 of The Enemy

I glance in the back seat as she buckles herself, watching until she’s all clicked in before I answer her and begin to drive off. “He had to go away for the night for work, but I thought we could hang out and get pizza.”

I’m surprised by how nervous I am about her answer, but Tia is the easiest child I know.

“I love pizza.”

I grin. “I know you do, sweetheart, so do I.”

I drive us to Gianni’s and park down the street before I help Tia from the car. Holding her hand, we walk the short distance to the pizza parlor. Hank and his team text to say the pap guy is dealt with and he is headed my way. I’d usually tell them to go home, but with Tia’s safety at the forefront of my mind, I let it go. My team is discreet, and she won’t even know they’re there.

Hudson texts to say he had landed and was headed to the police station.

“Hey, Tia, let’s take a selfie and send it to Huddy.”

Tia wraps her arm around my neck, and I snap a quick pic and send it over. He gives it a heart to say he’s seen it, and it makes me smile.

Our joined hands swinging between us, Tia and I chat about her day as we’re seated in the cute little authentic Italian restaurant. We place our order, deciding to share a margarita pizza and leave some room for ice cream.

“So, tell me about your day. What did you do?”

“I was a star. Mrs. Greggs said I was the best and she wants me to play a star in the show this year.”

“Wow, that’s fantastic. Tell me all about the show?”

“It’s about a little star that doesn’t shine very bright, and all the other stars think she’s broken, but then when Mr. Moon needs help, the little star is the only one who can help.”

“That sounds beautiful. Would there be singing and dancing?”

Tia nods excitedly, and then gets quiet, a sad look falling over her pretty face.

“Hey, what’s up?” I reach for her arm across the table.

“Huddy will probably say no.”

God, she breaks my heart. “Hudson loves you so much. He just worries about you.”

“I know, but I’d be a good star.”

“You’d be a great star and maybe we can talk to him and see if we can persuade him.”

Her features transform and I know for a fact, if it’s in my power to do it, I’ll make all this child’s dreams come true.

“I love you, Audrey.”

“I love you too, sweetheart.”

“And I love Huddy, and Huddy loves you.”

“I love him, too.”

The pizza is delivered and Tia chatters excitedly about the show. I wipe the sauce from her face as she gets up and twirls around, showing me the spin she has to do.

“Careful, Tia.”

I smile apologetically at the man at the next table who gives me a glare.

Fuck him.

“And then I have to jump.” Tia climbs on her chair, and I stand, terrified she’ll fall, but it’s too late. A flash from outside blinds us both and before I can catch her, Tia is falling.