Page 57 of The Enemy

Hudson laughs and winks as I close the door. I sigh as Lottie loops one arm through mine, and I do the same with Tia.

“Let’s go find you a dress.”

“And me.”

“Absolutely, sweetie.”

We go into Dream Day Bridal and are met with a highly coiffed woman in her mid-fifties. Her smile is wide, and her eyes are seeing dollar signs. Wealth like mine could have made me an entitled asshole, but my parents would never allow it. I was always taught how fortunate I was and still am, and the value of money, so this could be interesting.

“Miss Kennedy, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“It’s Mrs. Carmichael.”

The woman blushes, but she knows this. It was on the booking, but people put so much stock in my last name it makes them act odd.

“Oh, I’m terribly sorry. It slipped my mind.”

“Not to worry. These are my bridesmaids.” I introduce her to Lottie, Eden, Amelia, and Norrie who have swiftly got her measure and are cool in their responses. I lay a protective arm around Tia, who is looking around the room with eyes full of wonder. “And this is Tia.”

The woman looks at her with a face full of disapproval but offers me a polite nod with not an ounce of sincerity. “Oh.”


“Tia, why don’t we go and look at the pretty dresses and you can tell us what you think Audrey might like.”

Norrie puts her arm around Tia and leads her away with the other girls all chatting and treating her with all the love and respect I expected from them.

“I mean, this may be a little out of line, but is this really the place for her?”

My fists clench at my sides and I grind my teeth together to keep from blurting out all the vitriol I want to spew at this uneducated snob. With as much control as I can, I lift my head and look at the woman who has just lost what would possibly be her biggest commission of the year.

“It is out of line, it’s rude, and passive-aggressive. People like you are everything that is wrong with the world.”

“Well, I didn’t mean anything by it. It was just an observation.” She’s flustered now, her neck stained and mottled red.

“Yes, you did. You just thought for some crazy moment you could get away with it. I have no idea what it is about my reputation that gives you that idea.”

I hear the sound of the door behind me but don’t take my eyes off Cruella, as I’ve christened her in my head.

“As I said, it wasn’t meant to be rude.”

“Is there a problem here?”

I cast my glance at a much younger woman who is dressed in jeans and a white t-shirt as she stands between us. She’s stunning in a girl-next-door way, but I immediately feel a kinship with her, even as I bristle with anger. “And you are?”

“Shané Richards. I’m the owner.”

Her smile is full of pride and warmth as she holds out her hand. I take it and pump it once. “Audrey Carmichael. Nice to meet you.”

Her grin is genuine. “Oh, I know who you are, Mrs. Carmichael. I’ve followed your work for a while.” Her cheeks are pink, but she holds my gaze, which I know isn’t easy when I’m in a mood, and it earns my respect. “Not in like a stalker way, but you’re an icon for women in business.”

“Thank you. That’s very kind of you to say.”

“Can I help in any way?”

I glance at the assistant who has backed away and is now fussing with a veil a few feet away. “Your assistant was rude in her attitude toward my sister-in-law and presumed to tell me it wasn’t the place for her.”

I see her face turn from friendly to downright furious, her expression losing all humor or friendliness. “I am so sorry. That is not the ethos here. We welcome every single person through our doors.” Her fingers twist and she looks uneasy like she wants to be honest but isn’t sure if she should be. I would put her at around my age but there’s an innocence about her still that I’d shed years ago.