Page 58 of The Enemy

“Can I be honest with you?”

“I’d prefer it,” I say as my gaze flicks to Tia, to make sure she was okay.

“I didn’t know you were coming in today. I think my soon-to-be former assistant kept it from me because she was expecting a big commission, and she hates that someone younger than her is running this place.”

“Hmm.” I hummed, respecting her honesty and deciding to give her the benefit of the doubt. “May I give you some advice?”

Shané beamed. “Yes, please.”

I leaned closer and she mirrored me. “If you don’t trust your staff, they shouldn’t be your staff. Business is hard enough without fighting or distrusting the people who are meant to be in your corner.”

“Agreed. She was kind of inherited.”

I have no idea what the story is here, but I do know a genuine person when I see one. “Well, good luck, but I think it’s best we leave.”

Panic crossed Shané’s features. “No, please. Give me another chance. I’ll send Collette home and I’m happy to show you whatever you need, as long as you don’t mind me in jeans.”

“That sounds perfect.”

I smile as I step around Shané, leaving her to deal with Collette, coming up behind Tia and Lottie who are looking at the prettiest cream bridesmaid’s dress with sequins on the bodice.

“Find anything you like?”

Tia nods so hard, it’s a wonder she doesn’t give herself whiplash. “Yes, this one, and this one.” Tia went on to show me every dress she liked, which was so far all of them.

“Well, you’ll need to try them all on.”

“Can I?”

Her eyes were luminous with joy, and it made my heart tug that I could do this for her. I hadn’t realized how awful people could be until today. Or I had but I hadn’t witnessed it. It hurt my heart to think Hudson had explained why he was the way he was with Tia.

“Of course.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I caught Collette throwing her coat over her arm and slamming out of the shop in a huff.

Good riddance.

“Okay, are we ready to try some dresses on?” Shané stood with a tray full of Champagne glasses and one filled with juice and a cut strawberry on the side of each.

“Absolutely. Let the fun begin.”

Norrie offered a toast and Tia clinked her glass, splashing juice over the side on the carpet. I tensed, waiting for a reaction, but none came, and I knew then that I’d help this woman succeed, and maybe a big fat sale would help.

Letting my friends choose a dress was hilarious as they were all so different. I dutifully tried them all on, but nothing was quite right, and I was beginning to lose hope that I’d find something. Even knowing this wasn’t real, I still wanted to look beautiful for Hudson.

“I have an idea. Tia, can you help me?” Shané put her hand out for Tia who was beaming with all the attention she was getting. I nodded for Amelia to go too. As much as I liked this woman, I didn’t know her enough to trust her with Tia, but I trusted Amelia with my life.

“I can’t believe we all found our dresses.” Norrie bounced her leg in excitement.

“I know, and you all look gorgeous.” I drain the last of my second glass of Champagne.

“True but the real showstopper is Tia. I’ve never met a child with a bigger heart, and she looked so happy.”

Pride fills my chest at Eden’s words. “She looked beautiful, didn’t she? And she has been so patient. Honestly, I love her so much.”

Lottie squeezes my hand. “I can see why.”

“I can’t understand why Hudson never told anyone about her.”