Page 56 of The Enemy


“Hudson,you didn’t need to drive us. I have my own car and driver.” I glance across at Hudson, as we pull up to the bridal shop and he looks tense. I know letting go of any sort of control with Tia is hard for him, but he needs to learn.

“I don’t mind driving my favorite girls around.”

“And you’re a control freak.”

“Hey, I’m not a control freak. I just like to be in control.”

I roll my lips so as not to let the grin I’m hiding free. “Okay, so just a freak.”

He puts the car in park and unclips his belt. Hooking me around the neck, he pulls me to him, so my lips are teasing against his own.

“A freak in the bedroom, baby.”

I smile. “Cheesy.”

“I know, right? It’s all I had.”

“She’ll be okay.I promise you.”

He nods once and then kisses me hard and fast, pulling away before it can get out of hand, which our interaction regularly does. We can’t seem to keep our hands off each other and, honestly, I’m not mad about it. Before Hudson came back into my life, sex was always perfunctory and done to fulfill a basic need. Now it’s fun, and so fucking hot, it’s like the chemistry between us is out of control.

My door is wrenched open and I jump.

“Okay love birds, enough smooching. We have dresses to buy.”

I turn to Amelia, who is standing with Norrie, Lottie, and Eden. All wearing smirks on their faces.

“What’s smooching?”

I turn to Tia, and Hudson glares at Amelia.


“I’ll explain later. Go with Audrey and have a lovely time and if you need me, just call. I’ll be around.”

I get out and help Tia from her seat in the back before I lean into the car.“We won’t need you. Go play golf or something.”

“Actually, the boys are waiting for you back at my place. They thought you could all bond over some football game. Beck should have texted you?”

Hudson checks his phone and nods. “Yeah, okay.”

I’d have to be blind to see how much he doesn’t want to do that, but I’d love for him to have a better relationship with my oldest friends. “You should go.”

A sigh that could bring down mountains leaves his chest. “Fine, but you owe me.”

“Anything you want.”

He gives me a look that would melt concrete, and I feel my entire body tingle from it.

“You’re playing with fire, Belle.”

“Aww, he calls you Belle. That’s so cute.”

Hudson doesn’t take his eyes off me but responds to Eden. “She’s always been my Belle.”

“Okay, let’s go before Romeo here seduces us all.”