Page 36 of Girl Abroad

“Here’s hoping.”

“I shall keep you posted on our shagging progress,” Lee promises.

“Please do.”

Jack snickers from the carpet, his gaze still glued to the soccer— sorry, football match on TV.

On my other side, Jamie stretches his legs out and watches mecuriously. “Right then. What about you? Have you shagged anyone here yet? Found yourself a fuckable lad at uni?”

From the corner of my eye, I notice Jack’s gaze flit from the television to the couch.

“I’m not discussing my sex life with you,” I answer primly.

“Why not?” Jamie protests. “I’ll tell you all about mine if you’d like.”

“No need. I already hear your sex life through the walls every other night.”

He beams. “Thank you for noticing.”

At that, Jack shakes with laughter. “Don’t think she meant it as a compliment, mate.”

I lock my gaze on Jack’s. “What aboutyou?” I challenge, mostly because he didn’t come to my rescue when Jamie started grilling me. Let’s see howhelikes the hot seat. “Who are weshaggingthese days? Because I’ve yet to hear any sexy noises coming from your room.”

And thank God for that. Otherwise, I’d probably be weeping silently in my cereal every morning.

“Jackie boy doesn’t bring birds home,” Jamie explains. “Sleepovers are a commitment.”

“And you’re anti-commitment?” I ask him.

“Commitment’s fine,” Jack answers vaguely. “I’m just not looking for a girlfriend right now.”

“But you hook up.” I don’t know why I’m pressing him. Must be the wine.

“Yes.” He sounds amused. “I hook up.”

With who?I want to demand, but that’s too nosy even for me.

“All right! Round two of tell me a secret,” Lee announces, setting his phone down and topping up his merlot. “Abigail, you’re up first.”

“You know my name’s not short for Abigail, right?”

He gasps. “Wait. It’s not?”

“Nope. Just Abbey. Named after Abbey Road.” I stick out my tongue. “There. That’s your secret.”

“That’s not a secret,” he retorts with his trademark pout. “We want something better.”

Jamie nods. “Something dirty.”

I roll my eyes at him. “Pass.”

“Something mortifying then,” Lee suggests. “Worst sexual experience.”

“That’s still a dirty one!”

Lee’s stubborn as always. As well as very, very drunk. He waves his wineglass around so jovially I worry for our carpets. “Tell me a secret, Abigail!”

Since I’m equally drunk, I end up giving Lee what he wants and revealing an embarrassing secret.