Page 37 of Girl Abroad

“I slept with a guy in high school who told me one of my boobs was much bigger than the other, and now it’s all I see when I look in the mirror.”

Bad move, Abbey.

Suddenly, I have three dudes squinting at my chest. Even Jack has sat up to take a good look.

“Oh my God. Stop staring!” My cheeks are flaming.

“You brought that on yourself,” Jack says.

He’s not wrong. But still.

“I’ve got a bra on anyway,” I grumble. “You can’t see the difference unless I’m topless.”

“I agree,” Jamie says gravely. “You must take your top off so we can better assess.”

I reach over to slug him in the arm. “You’re the worst.”

“Are you really insecure about it?” Lee asks in a serious voice. Not mock serious like Jamie’s was but as if he’s genuinely upset to hear I might feel self-conscious about any part of myself.

“God, yes,” I confess. “I dated someone last year, and every time we got naked, I kept stressing about what he was thinking. Like,I can’t believe I’m having sex with the weird-boob girl.”

“Trust me,” Jack says roughly, his eyes locking with mine. “That’s not what he was thinking.”

My pulse quickens, and it takes some willpower to break the eye contact.

“Jackie’s right,” Jamie assures me. “Besides, I’d bet my entire trust fund you’re being—how do I say it nicely—crazy.”

Jack snorts.

“They can’t be that disproportionate,” Jamie adds, shrugging.

“He used the wordsmuch bigger. That implies a huge proportional discrepancy.”

“Proportional discrepancy,” he mimics. “Look at you, all articulate when you’re sloshed.”

“Let me see them,” Lee orders, once again bringing the scorch of embarrassment to my face. “I’m the obvious candidate to judge the proportions, given that boobs do nothing for me. I promise I won’t objectify you.”

“Or…and hear me out…I don’t show them to anyone.”

“I’ll do it,” Jamie volunteers.

“No,” everyone says in unison.

Lee gives me a sad look. “I can’t live with myself knowing you feel ashamed of your own body. It can’t bethatglaring a difference, luv.”

“It is,” I insist.

And then, because I happen to suffer from must-always-be-right disease, I reach for the hem of my shirt.

I pause, turning to glare at the other two. “Don’t you dare look or I’m smothering you both in your sleep.”

I stand up and turn my back on everyone but Lee, who also rises. Then I take my shirt off and reach behind me to undo the clasp of my bra.

There’s a choked noise, a cross between a curse and a groan.

I growl without turning around. “Don’t you dare look, Jamie.”

“Hey, that was Jack,” he replies, sounding a bit smug.