Page 55 of The CEO

But she wouldn’t think about that now, wouldn’t think beyond the earth-shattering spasms building, climbing, snaking their way through her pelvis and spreading outward until she could barely feel anything beyond the torturously exquisite tremors rendering her mindless.

Finding their natural rhythm, she picked up the tempo, glorying in his ragged breathing, his glazed gaze, his straining muscles as he pushed them both toward a climax big enough to cause a tidal wave to swamp the ship.

“Jeez…” She collapsed on top of him, stunned and sated and satisfied—very, very satisfied—savoring his strong arms as he cuddled her close.


“Hmm?” She snuggled deeper into his chest, knowing she could happily stay here forever.

He ran a finger down her bare arm from shoulder to elbow, dipping briefly into the hollow before continuing to her wrist where her pulse beat frantically. “You’re not frigid. And I intend to prove it. Over and over again. All night.”

She whimpered, a low, desperate, needy sound as she clutched at his shoulders, hanging on as he flipped her onto her back and propped over her.

“What do you think about that?”

She smiled, slid her hands down his chest, savoring the rasp of hair against her palms. “What are you waiting for?”

Zac didn’t need to be asked twice.

He growled, nuzzled her neck, and smiled when Lana giggled, a pure uninhibited sound of joy.

She was incredible, the sex he’d been fantasizing about far surpassing his wildest dreams. To think, some stupid bastard had called her frigid, dented her self esteem, kicked her confidence. Little wonder she used to look at him like he was some kind of monster at times.

But not now.

Now, she gazed at him from beneath half-lowered heavy lids, her molten caramel eyes glowing with satisfaction, the green flecks glittering with excitement. She wanted him as much as he wanted her and he’d make damn sure he obliterated any last lingering doubts she was anything other than pure sex goddess.

“I’m going to do this all night.”

Her breath caught as he licked a slow trail from the tip of her shoulder to her earlobe, where he lingered and nibbled.

She moaned and he tensed. He’d never heard anything so sexy and he could scarcely believe he’d just had mind-blowing sex considering his straining erection.

“Can I explore you?”

Her hesitant question had him wanting to sweep her into his arms and cradle her close, the hint of vulnerability in her soft tone enough to fell the strongest man. Considering he’d already fallen for her, all she had to do was glance in his direction and he was all hers.

“Go ahead.”

Thrilled by her eagerness, he laid back, folded his hands behind his head, watching her.

Lust rocketed through him as she placed a soft, open-mouthed kiss on his neck, another one above his collarbone, before flicking her tongue out to lick him, a tentative flick that had him twitching.

He groaned as she nipped the sensitive areola, flicking a nipple with her tongue.

“Do you like that too?” Her tongue traced lazy circles around it, her voice holding more than a hint of wonder at his responses.

“Like it? You’re driving me wild.”

She stopped, raised her head, and sent him a smile that could’ve tempted Neptune. “Good.”

“Is that right?”

He surged upward, his mouth seeking hers hungrily, needing her more than she’d ever know.

Her head fell back and her lips parted on a whimper as his tongue plunged inside, teasing and stroking, ravishing her in a deep, devouring kiss while his hands took on a life of their own, roaming and exploring her curves.

“You’re so soft,” he murmured against her lips, praying he’d have the control to make this last all night, as he’d promised.