Page 56 of The CEO

For come morning, he had another promise to discuss with her, one he hoped she’d go for in a big way.

He slid his palms up her ribcage to her breasts, feeling the nipples pebble as her heart thudded beneath his touch. He knew his matched her beat, the rapid staccato rhythm sending blood pumping to every inch of his body.

She moaned as he skimmed his palms repeatedly over her nipples and she arched up to meet him. “Zac, you’re killing me.”

He smiled, reached over to the bedside table, and grabbed a condom. “Not yet, but the night is young.”

She smiled, gnawing on her bottom lip before holding out her hand. “Here, let me do that.”

Surprised at her willingness to take care of the essentials, he handed it over, watched her rip the foil open, and finger the rubber like it was some priceless parchment. For her limited experience, she sure knew how to drive a man crazy.

Sweat broke out across his upper lip as desperate need tore through him at her first, tentative touch.

“How’s that?” She unrolled the rubber slowly, every second a lesson in exquisite torture.

He groaned and stilled her hand, on the brink of losing control. Again. “Perfect.”

“Good.” She caressed his cheek, hooked a leg over his hip, and rose to meet him in an erotic invitation he was powerless to refuse.

He slid forward and entered her inch by inch until they were locked tight. He’d never known such a feeling of completeness, of being totally one with another person, and if he’d had any doubts that a long-distance relationship was the way to go, the fact she could be his soul mate dispelled them in an instant.

But for now, they had tonight, and he intended to show her exactly how much she meant to him, how much he hoped for the future, by making love to her with every inch of his body.

“That feels amazing.” She arched into him, torching his body, rousing it to fever-pitch as he pumped into her, his thrusts setting her breasts jiggling, his excitement ratcheting up to unbearable.

She threw her head back, and listening to her soft, urgent moans he knew she was close, as with each practiced stroke he took her to the brink.

He wanted to wait, to make it last, but with his own climax hovering, she screamed out his name and bucked into him, sending him over the edge as spasms ripped through him, a galaxy of shooting stars exploding in his head as he shot to the moon and back.

How had he ever fooled himself into believing this was just about intrigue at the beginning? The connection he shared with this funny, smart, quirky woman was real, unique, and so damn perfect he’d be a fool to let her do anything but agree to his plans tomorrow.

“You’re incredible.” He brushed a kiss across her lips as she snuggled closer, stunned by the ferocity of his love for her.

Damn, he needed space, a few minutes to reassemble his wits before he blurted his feelings in the heat of the moment and scared her. “Just going to the bathroom for a sec, okay? Don’t move an inch.”

Lana watched Zac, her gaze greedily roving his naked back, his butt, not in the least embarrassed.

After what had happened, what they’d shared, her insecurities had been well and truly blasted sky high. But it was more than physical, more than the cataclysmic sex, the exhilaration of being one.

Something had shifted between them.

She’d seen it in his eyes, a depth of caring that lifted her heart and transported her to a place of hope and dreams and beyond.

But she wouldn’t dwell on emotions now. She had a whole night of snuggling in his arms to look forward to—and several repeat performances of the magic they conjured together.

Unable to wipe the self-satisfied grin from her face, she slipped out of bed to turn the lamp on the desk off, stubbing her toe on the way.

“Ouch.” She grabbed her foot and hopped around, stumbling against the desk and knocking a stack of papers to the floor.

Managing a wry smile—looked like her clumsy gene kicked in even when he wasn’t around—she scooped up the papers and several photos that had fallen out of an envelope.

Her heart stilled as she glanced at the photos, every one depicting Zac; in front of Sydney’s newest high-rise business centre in a designer suit shaking hands with the Prime Minister, behind a huge conference table filled with international delegates, an old man standing behind Zac with a hand on his shoulder and a name plaque ‘CEO, Madigan Shipping’ in front of him.

Confused, she stared at the photos, a million questions buzzing through her brain.

Who was the guy she’d just made love to and given her heart to?

He stepped out of the bathroom at that moment, a lazy grin on his face as he glanced at the bed. However, his grin faltered as he looked toward the desk, what she held in her hands, and he blanched.