Page 7 of Snake's Fate

“Hank always regretted that we couldn’t afford one of the places with a yard so I could plant more flowers like I wanted.” I get misty eyed as I remember my husband.

“He was an amazing man, that’s for sure but, Andi?” Mom’s voice takes on a serious note.

“Yes, Mom?”

“Don’t get stuck.”

“What’s that mean?” I ask, truly confused.

“I mean, don’t get stuck in your grief. Hank wouldn’t want you to just stop living. He’d want you to put yourself back out there and find happiness.” Mom tells me quietly and the tears in my eyes start to fall.

“I don’t think I’m ready for that yet.” I say after a few long minutes.

“Maybe not yet, but one day you will be so don’t stop yourself from being happy, sweetheart. You deserve that and so much more than you could ever know.”

“Mom?” I sniffle. “I love you so much! Promise you’ll come out soon and visit?”

“Absolutely!” She laughs. “You couldn’t keep me away. And, I love you too. You’re my baby girl.”

I talk with my mom for a few more minutes before we get off the phone and I take several more minutes to stare up at the stars above.

Just before I turn to walk back inside, I see a shooting star in the distance and I make a wish on it that our new start will be the best thing for us.

Feeling slightly better but exhausted from all the traveling, I walk back inside and get ready for bed. I kiss both the girls on the head as lightly as possible before climbing into the double bed next to theirs.

Grabbing the medicine bottle next to the bed, I look at the anxiety medication my doctor prescribed me before we left Chicago.

Without opening it, I toss it towards my bag deciding to no longer take it. I fall asleep quickly, excited for the day ahead.

Chapter 2


“Snake! Where are youheaded, man?” Torque asks from where he’s sitting at the bar talking with one of the prospects.

“Mina asked me to meet the new tenant that’s moving in next door to me to give them the keys to the place. Make sure it’s all ready to go. What’s up?” I ask, stopping at the door.