“I may need you later when I go out to Wolf’s Ridge. Wrench said a few of the cameras are down out in the barn. I don’t know shit about that high tech equipment you put out there.”
“Yeah. I’ll meet you out there once I’m done with the new tenant. It shouldn’t take too long. They’ve already paid up for a year so really they just need the keys to the place.”
“Thanks man!” He yells and I throw my hand up at him as I walk out the door to my bike.
I’m glad all the damn snow melted so I can ride my bike again instead of the cage. I’ve always felt too enclosed in a regular vehicle, almost as if I can’t fully breathe.
The first time I ever climbed on a bike, I felt more free than I’ve ever been and take every opportunity possible to ride when the weather is nice out.
It doesn’t take me long to pull up at the cabin just down from my own. It was recently cleaned by the prospects but Mina asked that I do a walk through before the new tenant arrives so I unlock the door, heading inside.
Seeing a few oil candles sitting on the table close to the door, I turn one on to help make the place smell as clean as possible.
Not that it stinks but these cabins can smell more like the logs they are made from than anything else. Some people don’t like that.
Personally, I love it but I’m a little different from most people. Such as I don’t actually like people.
I like computers. I tell them what to do and they do it. People however have huge issues being ordered around or they just want to talk constantly.
Those are the two categories that I put people into. Assholes and Talkers. Even my brothers in the club fit those categories and they all know it as I’ve told them plenty of times over the years.
Walking further into the cabin, I turn all the lights on as I go making sure everything is in order. When I get to one of the two bedrooms, the smaller room doesn’t light up so I go to the kitchen closet and grab a new bulb as well as a step stool.
I’m up on the stool, taking the old bulb out when I hear footsteps coming through the house and a female voice.
“Back here!” I raise my voice so they hear me and continue to put in the new bulb.
“The door was open.” I hear behind me as I turn to smile at the woman in the doorway.
My smile freezes on my face and my throat feels tight as I stare at the woman in front of me.
“Gabe?” She whispers, holding a hand to her own heart.
“Andi. What are you doing here?” I finally open my mouth to ask just as two beautiful little girls skid to a halt behind her.
They’re both just as beautiful as she is and look identical to her. Except for the eyes. They are a deep blue that almost look familiar.
“Where’s Hank?” I ask when she continues to not say anything more.
As soon as the question is out, her eyes tear up and the two little girls look sad as well.
“Andi?” I take a step closer.
“He’s gone, Gabe. Hank is gone.” She manages to get out just before her body shakes uncontrollably with cries that hurt me to my soul.
“I can’t believe you’re here.” My voice barely above a whisper as he moves around the kitchen.
My kitchen now, I suppose and I take a moment to look around.
All the appliances appear to be new and the cabinets look completely handmade.
I hear the girls squeal and I look out the window above the sink to see that they’ve found a tire swing hanging from a huge tree out back.
“They’re nearly grown.” Gabe says from right beside me.
Looking over at him, my heart starts to race suddenly and I try to turn his attention away from the girls before he sees too much.