“Fuck yeah, I do. When I get out of here, I'm going to marry him. Make him mine officially,” Dragon said.

“I bet the night you two had before he left was special.” Ajay smiled.

Dragon nodded. “Yeah. I realized that I don't mind bottoming and he likes to top, but only from time to time. My cock is still number one on his most wanted list.”

TT's mouth dropped open. “So, you actually did it?”

“Yeah. I mean, it wasn't my first time ever doing it. I just never liked it before. But with Richie, it felt good. I'll do it with him again when he wants to,” Dragon said.

“I'm a bottom through and through,” Ajay admitted.

“Perfect for me, because I only top,” TT said, then slapped Ajay's ass.

A guard called out Ajay's inmate number, gaining his attention. “You have a visitor.”

“I'll be back,” Ajay said.

“What if it's your husband?” TT asked.

“Then it'll be just like it was last time. With me telling him to sign the papers and that I didn't have anything on the Lords or Castiellos,” Ajay stated, then walked off toward the guard. When he got to the private visitor's room where he always met his contact, he noticed that it was his original partner, Agent Markum.

Ajay sat down. “I heard you were sick. Glad to see you're doing better.”

Special Agent Markum sighed, his lips turned down in a frown. “We're pulling you from this case.”

Ajay's eyes widened. “What? It is because I don't have anything to report? Look, I told you that these guys don't share easily. I'm still prospecting. They probably won't expose me to their real business until I'm a full member and out of here.”

Markum looked at Ajay and snorted as he shook his head. “Your husband thinks you've become entangled with one of the members. Your cellmate, Tim Davis.”

Ajay rolled his eyes as he slouched back in the chair. “He's jealous and pissed off that I'm asking for a divorce. That's all.”

Markum scoffed and shook his head.

Ajay frowned because he didn't like that response. “You've got something to say, just fucking say it.”

“I gave you enough rope to hang yourself, that's all.”

“What are you talking about?”

“We have been concerned about you for a while, Agent Petal. I didn't want to believe it, but the higher-ups were worried that you may have been compromised. They put a second set of eyes on you in here,” Agent Markum said.

Ajay's heart literally skipped several beats. He was being watched? By who? And did they see him kill that guard? How much did they know? He swallowed and took several deep breaths. He leaned forward, resting his hands on the table “I can do the job,” he said, trying to see if he could call their bluff. That was if they were bluffing at all.

“By fucking Tim Davis?”

“Who said—”

“Just stop. We have footage of you two fucking in your cell. On more than one occasion. Now, it all makes sense. How you never found any information on them... it's because you're taking it up the ass from one of them,” Agent Markum said, growling the last part in his anger. “You've betrayed your mission and got caught up. Like I said, we're pulling you out as of right now. You're off the case. Let's go.”

“I need to—”

“You don't need to do anything. You don't need to go say any goodbyes. You don't need to gather your prison belongings. You don't have anything here worth keeping. Your paperwork for your release has already been completed. I’m just here to get you and take you back to HQ for your debriefing,” Special Agent Markum said.

Countless thoughts raced through Ajay's mind and the one he hated was the fact that he couldn't tell TT what happened. Wouldn't be able to say goodbye. He wanted to know which rat bastard, using Dragon's favorite word, ratted him out. The only good thing was that whoever had been spying on him apparently didn't know about the man he'd killed. If he had, he would beanswering questions about that and not his relationship with Tim.

Ajay rose, he knew there was no point in fighting the decision. In fact, doing so only proved just how compromised he was. They'd see right through him. He only wanted to stay to be with Tim. He had no intentions of gathering info for the DEA. That agenda died a while back. He went through the process, changed his clothes from his prison uniform into the t-shirt and jeans he'd entered in.

“I don't know what this means for your future with the DEA, Patel. You're going to have to explain yourself,” Special Agent Markum said as the two sat in the car and waited for the prison gates to open.