“I don't understand.”

Dragon turned back to face him. “I told them what I saw in you. I watched you show that prick a good time. You enjoyed it on some level. Not like, say, my little brother, Maverick, does but on some level, it gave you satisfaction.”

TT scoffed. “What the fuck are you talking about, Dragon?”

Dragon kept his gaze on Milan as he spoke. “He knows what I'm talking about.”

TT looked at Milan. “Want to clue me in?”

Milan sighed and looked at Tim. “He's right. But, I swear, I didn't realize this about myself before that moment. After my mom died, I lived my life to survive. I did things that weren't legal and I told myself that I had to do them. And in some cases, that was true. In others, I did it because it was fun. One of my teachers suggested I enlist and I did. Joined the Navy andwhen I got the opportunity, I joined the S.E.A.L team and it was exciting. But I wanted something more, so I left the military and joined the DEA. I thought I was happy, but when I did what I did, I realized what I'd been missing.”

TT nodded as he thought about what his boyfriend said. “I'd like to think I helped you better understand yourself.”

“Yeah, you did. The way you view the world and rationalize things is just logical. Like, I've busted drug dealers, but what about the American government? Or how corporations can literally cut costs, violate regulations, and if they're caught, it's a fine or a slap on the wrist. But we put people in jail for years, ruining their lives forever, for doing less. I never thought about things like that.”

Dragon laughed. “Yeah, it's a crime when we do it and business as usual when they do it.”

Milan nodded. “I realized the hypocrisy of the law I thought I was fighting to uphold. What I see from you all is the most honest lifestyle.”

“And you're a perfect fit,” TT said.

“So, when are you going to quit being a cop?” Dragon asked.

“I already did. But once I get out of here, I'll make it official,” Milan said.

“Damn right, baby.” TT smiled, because he knew he had his man now. Someone he could finally grow old with. All he needed to do was get rid of Milan's stubborn husband.

“Anyway, I told the club your road name,” Dragon said.

Milan cocked both eyebrows. “Oh, What is it? I don't get to pick my own?”

TT shook his head. “Naw, they don't hold meaning if you pick your own. A road name is special.”

“I see,” Milan said, then looked at Dragon expectantly. “Well?”

“Rat Bastard,” Dragon said.

“Fuck you. I'm not answering to that.” Milan frowned.

“You better be fucking joking,” TT growled.

Dragon's cheeks puffed out as he could no longer hold in his laughter. TT and Milan watched as he got out all of his chuckles. He wiped the tears from his eyes and nodded. “Yeah, I was fucking with ya. Not that you don't deserve that name, though.”

“No, I don’t, because I've never ratted, Dragon,” Milan said with all seriousness.

Dragon licked his lips and looked at him in silence for a few seconds, then nodded. “Yeah, I believe you. That's why instead of calling you that or 'Snake', I decided to call you 'Ajay'. The name we all came to know you by.”

Milan pursed his lips. “Why?”

Dragon shrugged. “It holds meaning, because of the friendship we formed. Also, it'll stand as a constant reminder of the lie you lived when you came to us.”

“Damn, that's deep, Dragon,” TT said.

Ajay thought about it and he nodded. “I like it and thank you for accepting me and giving me that road name. I won’t let you down.” He was beginning to understand more about how the Lords operated and what mattered to them. It was something he could respect.

Dragon slapped Ajay on the back. “From now on, you'll be doing all of your duties and everything Richie had been doing as our prospect.”

“You miss him, don't you?” Ajay asked.