That was something he didn't want. It was easier for him to walk away from his life that left him feeling empty and into a world that gave him pure bliss. He knew, even though Tim hadn't said anything, that this was what he wanted as well. In any direction they went, his marriage and his life as a cop was over.

While leading the cop to the location of his doom, he made sure they were alone. No cameras in that area. The prison had far too many blind spots for his tastes. However, in this case, he was grateful. He didn't see Dragon, but then he wasn't expecting to. If the man was as highly trained an enforcer as he'd been led to believe, then his skills would be impressive. Once he was in the position, he turned to face the CO.

Officer Brown was chewing gum, he was taller than Milan by a few inches, and a nasty-looking scar on his left cheek made him look dangerous. “So, what do you want?” he asked, hand out for the money he'd been lured with that Milan was holding.

Milan let the shank he'd created slip from his sleeve into his hand behind the money, keeping it concealed until he was ready. “I want to get Jenkins alone in the shower. Is that something you can arrange?”

Again, Officer Brown looked around to make sure no one was within earshot or eyeshot. “Yeah, when do you want this to go down? And you better do it after shower time,” he said, making sure to cover his ass since he'd gotten in trouble the last time with Cherry Buster. It amazed Milan that he had been put back on shower detail after that incident. The Warden really didn't give a shit. And being understaffed and underfunded didn't help either.

“Yeah, that works,” Milan said. He just wanted that confirmation. The man motioned for him to give him the money and when he turned again to make sure no one was watching, Milan slashed the razor-sharp blade across the CO's neck and atthe same time, dodged to avoid the spray of blood that splattered the walls. Officer Brown collapsed to the floor, gasping as blood gushed from his wound, his eyes wide with shock. Quickly, Milan stepped out from the darkness the cubby had provided and walked away, not bothering to watch Officer Brown's last struggles to survive as he bled out. The blade he used for the deed was tucked in the folded money for concealment.

His retreat was quick, but not enough to draw attention. His heart was beating in his chest so fast, he had to force himself to breathe slowly in order to calm down. He'd just killed a man in cold blood. He'd planned the death and took his vengeance. He was no stranger to killing, he'd done so before, and after the first couple of times, it stopped bothering him. It was just his mission. His duty. He was serving his country. But this was different... or was it? His allegiance had shifted. His love for Tim changed him. Or did it? Was he a Navy S.E.A.L, then a cop because those professions gave him the excitement he craved? Was that why he enjoyed going undercover? He'd just killed a prison guard and the only emotion that vibrated through him was exhilaration. The thrill of doing something so dark and disturbing. He would have killed those prisoners who had attacked him in the shower that day had TT not stepped in. Was this who he really was? A better criminal than a cop?

Fuck, he didn't need those thoughts... or did he? He'd chosen Tim out of love. Of that, he had no doubt. But he chose to be a Lord because deep down in places he didn't want to admit were there, being a Lord would give him the true lifestyle he craved. Being with Tim and a member of the Lords was the total package.

Milan stopped in his tracks as soon as that revelation hit him. It was so clear. He wanted a life where he lived by his own rules. Where he lived on the edge of his seat. He wanted a man who understood and accepted him for who he was. God, he'd beenbored in his marriage. Sure, his husband had cheated on him, but as he thought about it... he didn't care. It gave him an excuse to finally decide to free himself from a horrible and constricting relationship.

Milan gasped as all of this came crashing down upon him. His chest tightened and the pounding in his ears grew to a deafening level. He thought he was having an anxiety attack. He leaned against the wall and gripped his chest as he panted. “Holy... fuck,” he said through his pants, then ran his fingers through his hair. He doubled over and braced his hands on his knees as he had to give himself time to process it all. The lies he'd told himself were now undeniable. He wasn't noble. He was a thrill-seeker and like any addict, he sought it out any way he could get it. But with the Lords, he could finally pursue that adrenaline rush without the red tape and hand-holding of the law. He could be whole with Tim and the Lords. It was no wonder he'd bonded with them so quickly. Unlike other criminals he'd taken down, the Lords had a true brotherhood and that was also something he knew he needed.

He smiled, then straightened up. The pressure he'd felt in his chest faded away and was replaced with something akin to elation. It took him killing someone he wanted to see dead by his own hands to give him such clarity. He continued to make his way to the Yard where TT was working out. It was there that Milan disposed of the shank, pretending to tie his shoes while pressing the small blade into the sand and gravel. When he stood up, he continued to brush more sand over it to cover his tracks while nonchalantly conversing with TT, who was doing push-ups. A few minutes later, they returned to their favorite bench and Dragon was waiting for them.

“That was smooth,” Dragon complimented to Milan after he and TT sat down.

“So, you satisfied?” TT asked him.

“Caught it on camera, too,” Dragon said.

Milan's eyes widen in surprise. “What?”

Dragon snorted. “Did you really think my club wasn't going to want insurance just in case? As if my eye-witness testimony would mean shit if you decided to pull a stunt. We need to make sure you're serious about being a Lord. And if you're not, we need to make sure you don't use anything you've learned about us against us.”

Milan looked up at TT. “Did you know about this?”

Tiny Tim shook his head. “No, but I'm not surprised. I told you, we normally don't make the kind of mistake we made with you. This is that extra measure.” He looked at Dragon. “When did you get the camera?”

“It's one of these fancy-ass spy cameras. Maverick smuggled it in when he visited me two days ago,” Dragon said, then looked at Milan. “In other words, if you're true to your word, you have nothing to worry about.”

“Yeah, I get it,” Milan said with a bit of attitude in his tone. He didn't appreciate being blackmailed and the agitation he felt, he couldn't hide in his expression either.

Dragon snorted, then chuckled. “Oh, I see someone's big mad.”

“Fuck off, Dragon,” TT said, defending his man.

“Yeah, whatever. In any case, I'll let Dasan know and about your pledge to the club, see if he accepts it,” Dragon said, then walked off to work out.

“Don't worry, they won't use it against you,” TT said.

“Unless they think I'll give them a reason,” Milan stated.

“And you never will, so don't worry.” TT kissed his temple.

He nodded, but still felt a level of unease. He didn't like having physical evidence against him showing him brutally murdering someone, even if that asshole deserved it. Now, he had to put his trust in the Lords of Chaos.

Chapter twenty-two


Ren stared out thesecond-story bedroom window gazing down at Montgomery exercising in the backyard. His brown eyes remained glued to every stretched limb as he focused on every strong line of his defined muscles. The way the sunlight glowed on the sweat that slicked Montgomery's tanned flesh was enough to send Ren's libido into overdrive. He licked his lips as he slid his hand beneath the thin fabric of his pajama pants to caress the throbbing morning wood he'd woken up with.