“Mmmm,” Ren moaned as the pleasurable sensations rippled through his loins.

He'd jerked off more than he ever had in his entire life in the last two weeks. He didn't know how much more he could take of looking and longing but never tasting. He wanted Montgomery more than he wanted anything in his life. Montgomery was a part of his every waking thought and endless dreams. He was drunk off the man, addicted to him. Hell, he had jerked off plenty of times while inhaling the scent of Monty's underwear. If that wasn't hitting rock bottom, he didn't know what was. He simply must have Montgomery!

Unfortunately for him, the Dom was true to his word. No matter how much he tried his best to seduce the man by parading around naked or even in a collar, he’d been unsuccessful. He'd gotten strange looks from his security team, but he didn't care what they thought of his antics. Their opinions didn't matter. This was his life, what he desired. The only person's opinion that did matter had been ignoring him since the day he'd told him that he wasn't ready to be his.

This... this was torture.

Ren's hand moved up and down his shaft furiously and when Montgomery looked up toward their bedroom window, he froze. Their eyes connected and he felt like the Master Sex God was looking right through his body into his soul. Quickly, he snatched his hand from his pants and could see Montgomery's expression change. Almost as if he was praising him for doing so. For being obedient. The look was very subtle. A softness around his keen blue eyes with those long, alluring blond lashes and a loosening of his chiseled jawline. Turning away from him, Montgomery continued to perform his stretches, exercising his body which was his morning routine before he began his work day.

“Fuck, I can't take this,” Ren snapped and furiously ran his fingers over the touch screen of his cell phone to contact his brother. Not Li, his older brother would be too judgmental. No, he was calling Yìchén, who was only two years older than he was. Yìchén would understand his feelings and give him the best advice.

“Ni hao,” Yìchén answered in his soft voice with a slight Chinese accent.

“I need your advice,” Ren said, getting right to the point, bypassing pleasantries.

“About what?”

“My husband and I haven't consummated our marriage yet,” Ren complained.


Ren pouted but told his brother about Montgomery's rules. “I can't take it anymore. I want him so badly... what should I do?” he asked after he was done.

“First, you need to question if you truly want the lifestyle. See, I know that I do. Nothing drives me to the brink of insanity more than a man who can tie me up, spank me, and own my orgasms. In fact, I've got my eyes on the perfect man. I've wanted him for a while, but now he's finally here and I'm going to get him. But we're talking about you right now. If you want to be dominated, then let him do what you both need. What's the problem?”

“He spanked me,” Ren said.

“Ooooh, I bet it felt good. Did you go into subspace?”

“No...” Ren started to protest, then trailed off.

Yìchén sighed. “That's because you've been spoiled.”

“You too,” Ren shot back.


“What's 'subspace'?” Ren asked.

“If you give into him, you'll find out. Back to what we were talking about. You knew who he was when you sought him out. What he was in to. Stop being a baby. Did you think you could change him? And if so, into what?” Yìchén asked.


“He's yours, now what?”

“I didn't know he was like that. It's not the sort of thing I could easily research. And Montgomery's a private man.”

“You should have asked around a bit more, talked to the subs he did like.”

“Fuck them,” Ren snapped. Just thinking about the men who got to have his man first made him see red.

Yìchén chuckled. “Well, now look at you. In over your head.”

Ren rolled his eyes. “I called you for advice.”

“And I'm giving it to you. Do you want to be his submissive or not?”
