Demir figured he might be the one to carry out the hit if Vito wanted him to. There were others in the family who could do it. Didn't seem like something that would require his level of expertise. Of course, if she had picked accidental death, he could have carried it out in a way that would have resulted in only the target dying. Not everything had to be cutting the brakes of a car, which he figured was the only idea Mrs. Harper had.

“When would you like this done?” Vito asked. He was strictly business.

“Sooner rather than later. He wants to take my daughter out of the country... taking her away from friends and family who love her. That's how men like him keep control. I want him dead before the month is out,” Mrs. Harper said.

“So, that gives us plenty of time. Very well, now let's talk about financial compensation for my family's services,” Vito said. “Half a million.”

Mrs. Harper's eyes widened. “A half a million dollars? Are you serious, just for a—don't you think that's rather expensive?”

“You want it cheap, then go somewhere else, and good luck with that. You want a professional to do the job and make sure the mess doesn't end up on both of our doorsteps, you pay the price for quality. The price is non-negotiable.”

“He's not worth half a million dollars. I'm sorry I wasted your time, Mr. Castiello,” Mrs. Harper said as she rose. “Please, forget that I came here.” She placed her sunglasses back on, then walked toward the door. Demir opened it and watched her walk away with her nose in the air.

He laughed, then closed it. “I guess she figures she can kill him at a discount.”

Vito chuckled. “I don't give a fuck. She wants him dead for less. She takes the chance of hiring someone who will fuck up. Makes no difference to me.” He rose and adjusted his suit. “Let's get something to eat.”

“Where?” Demir asked as he opened the door for Vito.


“Good choice,” Demir said.

“Minx, come,” Vito said as he stood in front of Zindel's desk.

“Just one minute. I'm almost done.” Zindel's fingers moved over the keyboard in a blur, and then he pressed the left click on the mouse. “Done.”

“What were you doing?” Vito asked him.

Zindel smiled as he rose. “Just sent you the monthly reports for Desires. I'm going to take the rest of the day off.” He stepped behind the desk wearing a pair of black leather pants Vito brought him that had a zipper going up the front and back, and a sheer black shirt.

“That's what you wore to the office?” Vito asked him, but Demir could see the lust-filled smile on his best friend's face and knew the mobster more than approved.

Zindel stood in front of Vito and did a twirl to show off the whole outfit. “Don't I look so good, baby?”

“Fuck,” Vito said under his breath as his gaze drank in the tempting beauty before him.

“You're looking at him like he's the one you want to eat and not a steak,” Demir teased.

Vito smiled and slapped Zindel's bubbled ass. “Who says I can't have both?”

Zindel giggled and waggled his ass for Vito's pleasure. “Where are we going to eat?”

“Valencia,” Vito replied. He took Zindel's leather jacket with the fancy zippers off the rack and helped him into it. He was wearing a trench coat that went to his thighs, as was Demir. The weather was still low in temperatures, even though it was spring.

Demir's phone began ringing, and he looked down, seeing that it was their assistant manager. He answered. “What's up?”

“Have you heard from Vinny?” Maurice asked.

“No, what's going on?” Demir asked.

“He hasn't shown up to work today. Hasn't called or anything. I've been trying to reach him, but haven't been able to,” Maurice said.

Demir frowned because that wasn't like Vinny. “I'll look into it. Call me if you do get in contact with him.”

“Yes, sir.”

Demir ended the call and relayed the information to Vito, who frowned.