Vito frowned. “The widow of Lenwood Harper?”

Demir nodded.

Vito cocked an eyebrow. “What's this about?”

“A case of domestic abuse from what I gathered. She needs a favor.”

“Has she been scanned?” Vito asked.

Demir nodded. “She’s clean.”

Vito sighed, then nodded with an offhanded gesture.

Demir walked over to the door, opened it, and motioned for Mrs. Harper to come in. She was dressed in a pinstriped skirt and button-up blouse with heels, pearls, and a fashionable hat. She was also wearing sunglasses, as if it was her way to conceal her identity.

“Is everything okay?” Zindel asked as he sat behind the desk.

“Yes,” Demir answered, then closed the door once the woman entered Vito's office. “Please sit,” he said and gestured to one of the chairs in front of Vito's desk.

Mrs. Harper sat down and removed her sunglasses, then focused her attention on Vito. “Thank you for seeing me, Mr. Castiello.”

“What can I do for you, Mrs. Harper?” Vito asked, cutting right to the chase.

She cleared her throat and straightened her shoulders. “I expect that this conversation will be kept private and isn't being recorded?”

“Afraid of blackmail or betrayal, Mrs. Harper?” Vito asked.

“What I'm going to say could be used against me if you so wished. I want to make sure what we discuss will be in confidence,” she said.

Vito scoffed. “You're speaking with a member of the Castiello family. To even question our integrity is an insult. But I'll humor you. No, this room isn't bugged. You can speak freely, Mrs. Harper.”

“My intention isn't to insult you, Mr. Castiello. But in my position, I have to be careful, please understand.”

“Understood. Now, what is this about?” Vito asked again and tried to keep his patience in check.

Demir stood quietly in the corner of the room and watched the exchange between the two. He was also curious about why someone like Mrs. Harper was here asking for a favor. The woman was in charge of several charities and the CEO of Harper Corp, a multi-million-dollar corporation dealing in exports. She and her husband had built the company from the ground up and he passed away two years ago, leaving her in charge. A woman who held herself in such high regard must be desperate to come to the mafia for help. Sure, on the surface for legal purposes, the Castiello family were a corporation themselves. An empire,if you will. But under all the glitz, glamour, and tax filings, they were one of the most ruthless criminal organizations in the world.

Demir listened on to see where this meeting was going.

“I want you to kill my daughter's husband,” Mrs. Harper said.

Interesting,Demir thought.

“It's going to cost you,” Vito replied.

“Do you want to know why?”

Vito shrugged. “Don't really care why. I'm sure you have your reasons. I only care about the details concerning how you want it done and how you're going to pay.”

“I'm not a bad person,” Mrs. Harper said. “But he's been harming my daughter. I've tried to convince her that he's dangerous, but she's so trusting. She loves him and believes that he loves her. I can't sway her.”

“And so?” Vito shifted in his seat, placing his elbows on the armrests, his fingers forming a steeple. “The details?”

Mrs. Harper cleared her throat. “He needs to die in a way that doesn't look like he's been murdered.”

“Accident or natural causes?” Vito asked.

“I want him to suffer, but I suppose natural causes. I don't want anyone else to be involved with his demise, so no accident,” she said.