“Please, I'll explain everything and answer all of your questions—somewhere else,” Milan pleaded.

“Damn right, you are, fucking rat.”

Milan shook his head. “I never ratted.”

“Whatever,” Dragon snapped, then stormed off toward the mess hall leaving TT and Milan alone.

“That went well,” Milan said as he dabbed more blood from his split lip.

“He's not done with you,” TT warned.

“I figured.” Milan motioned for TT to lead the way and together they went to get dinner.

Sitting at the table, all three men were quiet because it was too public a place to discuss the matter that still had Dragon fuming. It wasn't until the prisoners had more free time when the men ended up in TT and Milan's cell for their private conversation.

“What did you tell the other pigs about us?” Dragon asked Milan point blank.

“Nothing,” Milan said, then repeated everything he'd told Tim the night before. The whole story, including his real story and his broken marriage. He wanted all of the cards on the table in hopes that would answer any other questions Dragon had and gain back at least a fraction of some of the trust he'd lost.

After listening to everything, the murderous look in Dragon's eyes melted away and was now replaced with annoyance. The anger that had been boiling inside of him began to simmer. The muscles corded throughout his body that had been pulled tight as guitar strings had loosened and he was able to sit comfortably on the bed.

“That's everything... I swear on my life. I'm not lying to you,” Milan said.

“We're not stupid. We knew the police were watching our every move. Especially since members of the Castiello Family are linked to us,” Dragon said, then stood up and walked over to Milan, staring him down. “Do you want to know the truthabout that rat that died in here? The one that was going to testify against the Castiellos?”

“One of my objectives was to discover if you had anything to do with it. TT and Dopey too,” Milan said.

Dragon cocked an eyebrow. His dual-colored eyes never left Milan. “And? What do you think?”

Milan smirked. “You killed him. That's what I think.”

“But you can't prove it.”

Milan shook his head. “I'm no longer trying to, Dragon. Falling in love with Tim wasn't in my plans. Considering a life of crime for the sake of that love wasn't anything I saw myself doing. But here I am. Naked to my soul. You now know everything about me and everything that I knew about you. I spent hours last night, unable to sleep, because I knew what I was going to have to do to prove my loyalty to not only Tim, but to the Lords.”

Dragon snorted and took several steps back. “And what's that? Enlighten me?”

TT was also waiting to hear Milan's response.

“If I do this, will you finally accept me? Will you allow Tim and I to be together?” Milan asked.

“I don't even know what the hell 'this' is,” Dragon said. “Also, it's not up to me. It's up to the club, but I'll pass it along to our president.”

Milan took a deep breath, then looked at TT for the strength he needed. There stood a man who was everything he wanted. Had fate dealt him a dirty hand considering Tim and him ended up on opposite sides of the moral spectrum? One that he was willing to cross over.

“Do you love me?” Milan asked Tim.

“I love you enough to be with you, even if it means I leave my club,” TT said, and he made sure to lock eyes with Dragon. He wanted his club brother and friend to know just how serious he was.

“And I love you enough to kill the guard who was paid off by those prisoners who tried to rape me,” Milan said.

“Fuck,” Dragon groaned and ran his hand over his face. This whole situation was too damn messy for him to tackle on his own. He wasn't even going to try.

“Did you tell your cop buddies that you think I killed that rat?” Dragon asked Milan.

“No. I didn't even tell them that you killed that asshole who tried to off us in the hallway. I didn't even tell them about the attack on me in the shower because it would have brought Tim into it. I kept my mouth shut. If I hadn’t, you’d already know about it. I will never tell them anything that would hurt you all. I didn't plan on falling in love with Tim, sure. I also didn't plan on liking any of you either, but I do. I like you a lot and I enjoyed our friendship... it was genuine.”

“On our end, yeah,” Dragon retorted.