“Diego, give him a break. He's trying,” TT said.

“At first, it was just to get close to you. But it didn't take long before my feelings for Tim started to extend to you. It was genuine on my end, too,” Milan said.

Dragon scoffed, then turned his attention to TT. “So, did you two have sex yet?” he asked.

“Really? That's what you wanted to know?” TT cocked both eyebrows.

Dragon shrugged. “I mean, this whole time, Ajay—I mean, Milan—was pretending to be a virgin. I just want to know if he's still telling that story. So?”

TT smiled.

Dragon snorted. “I guess you finally hit it.”

“Oh, I tore it up, brother,” TT said.

Dragon couldn't help but chuckle as he looked at how happy his friend was. “I bet. Considering how long he's been holding out, it's a wonder he can even walk.”

TT laughed. “I know, right? I'm going to make up for lost time, believe that.”

Milan wanted to roll his eyes at the drastic change in the conversation about his sex life, but it was better than the other topic, so he let the two men chat.

“Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves, TT,” Dragon said. “The club has to vote on what happens with this ba—Milan.” He cut off the insulting name out of respect for Tim. He was still pissed at Milan, but the man was who Tim fell in love with.

Hearing that his fate was in the Lords’ hands left Milan a bit unnerved. He was going to do everything within his power to earn their blessing. He didn't want to think about the outcome of a failure to win the Lords over.

TT shook his head. “I've already told you, if the club won't accept him, I'll leave and you won't have to deal with either of us.”

Dragon threw his hands up in the air. “For fuck's sake, TT, you've only been with him for a few months! You're willing to throw away the club for a relationship that might not last?”

“Don't give me that shit! You were willing to throw away your fucking freedom for Richie when you two had only been together less time than Milan and me. You know what I feel for him,” TT snapped.

Milan knew the story behind that, TT had told him one night when he'd asked about why Dragon wasn't leaving with Dopey. That level of devotion was one thing that made Milan respect the men of the Lords of Chaos.

Dragon sighed and nodded, because he did understand that level of love. “It's really that serious for you then?”

“Yes, brother, it is. Please, don't make me choose,” TT said.

Dragon turned to Milan. “What about your husband?”

Milan released the breath he'd been holding. “He's not even in the picture for me. He showed up here for my visit, tried toget me to talk and take him back. It's not happening, but he's refusing to sign the divorce papers.”

“I'll make that motherfucker sign them,” TT growled.

Dragon watched Milan to see what he'd say or do, or any physical signs that would tell him where the man really stood. When Milan took TT's hand into his own and kissed him, he had to take that as an indicator that the two men were truly in love.

“I'll talk to my father tomorrow, but I can't make any promises. If the club doesn't agree to let you continue to prospect with us, it's over. And TT, if you want to leave with him, I can't stop you. I get it. If you love him that much... I get it,” Dragon said.

“I don't want TT to give up something that is a part of his life, his identity. That's why I'm willing to make that sacrifice. It's not just that I want to be with Tim, but I want to stay friends with you as well. I don't know what it is about prison, but being in here has given me a lot to think about. Time to reflect on my life, and I've realized that I wasn't happy. Not with anything. I threw myself into work because my home life left me unfulfilled. And work allowed me to take my frustrations out on criminals. The feeling I get from minor accolades I've received for jobs well done is fleeting... meaningless. I have to follow my heart and as long as I'm a cop, I can't be with the man I love,” Milan said.

Dragon nodded. Just thinking about Richie, his Property of, could make him feel like the luckiest man in the world. If Milan made Tiny Tim feel like that, then he'd put in a good word for the bastard. “Fine. If they agree to let you stay with us, you better be willing to follow up on your word. And we're going to want eyes on you when you do it.”

“I understand. It's the only way I'll earn your trust,” Milan said.

“And you're okay with that? I can't imagine committing that kind of act in cold blood will be easy for you,” Dragon said.

“It won't be, but I'll do it,” Milan said, then swallowed hard.

“We'll see,” Dragon replied, then walked out of their cell.