“And we have brothers we can call in from L.A. and Vegas. We knew this could get ugly, and all of the chapters are on alert,” Wolf said.
Shade nodded. “You know me, pres. I'm a ride-or-die bitch. Just tell me where to go and I'll get ratched on those motherfuckers.”
There were some nods and chuckles from the other members at her sentiments and Raven grabbed Shade by the back of her head and planted a passionate, wet kiss that had some of the men very intrigued.
“Damn, that's hot,” Romeo said with a lecherous smile.
Raven broke the kiss and turned to him. “Don't even think about it.”
Romeo shrugged. “What? I can't get any girl-on-girl action, no threesome?”
Raven responded with her middle finger and Romeo laughed.
"Wait a minute, did I hear you give Demir a road name?" Python asked with a smirk.
Wolf nodded. "Damn right, I did. I think the name 'Fox' suits him."
"He sure is as slick as one," Bruiser said.
"Yeah, I agree. I think it's badass." Goat smiled and nodded. Other members of the club were also giving their approval and a few slaps on the back for Demir, who was slowly becoming one of them.
“Okay, are we ready?” Wolf asked the crew that was going with him.
“Let's do this,” Python said.
Wolf nodded. “Let's ride out.”
Demir climbed behind the wheel of his car and watched as the other bikers climbed on their chrome, leather, and steel machines ready for war. His eyes were on Wolf and he had thoughts of his man naked and his cock sliding deep inside Wolf's tight ass. He loved how muscular Wolf's legs were as they straddled his bike. He reached down and adjusted his growing erection, making it more comfortable in his pants. For their sake, he wanted to end this night quickly so he could get Wolf back home in bed.
He trailed the bikers as Wolf led the way toward the location where they were supposed to meet the Jade Dragon Triad. There were ten of them all together and it took over twenty minutes to get to the restaurant where the meeting was. Demir checked the surroundings and saw about twelve bikes already parked outside along with six SUVs and one Maserati. He watched as the Lordsbacked their bikes in, which was smart in case they had to make a quick retreat. Demir climbed out of his own Maserati and walked over there to his man.
He could feel the energy flowing through all of the Lords as they walked toward the front door of the bar. It coiled through him, making him tingle in anticipation. He didn't get off on killing, not like Akane did. Taking lives was just what he did and he was damn good at it. He didn't pull his gun out, didn't need to, he could draw and fire his weapon faster than most and he always hit his target.
Wolf opened the door and walked inside. Demir knew his boyfriend didn't enter blindly, his steps were cautious and he walked inside just enough to allow everyone who came with him to enter. The delicious aroma of Chinese food cooking reminded Demir of the dinner in bed he’d shared with Wolf. Had their situation not been a serious one, he would have smiled at the memory. The night he told Wolf that he loved him, was a special one indeed.
Demir stood focused to Wolf’s left and he was the only one there not in a cut, jeans, and boots. He checked out their opponents and they were an impressive lot. He could tell the ones who were in the biker gang and those who were in the other factions of the triad by their clothing. Men in suits stood or sat in chairs or on barstools facing them. The bikers were in their black and jade-colored leather jackets with the triad crest on the back that was a dragon in the middle of an intricate circle. All of the members of the triad were looking at them, matching their energy. The tension was thick in the air, it almost felt electric and at this point, like anything could go down.
“You have something that belongs to us,” Wolf said. “And I'm here to beat your asses and take it back.”
“Come get them, then,” responded a beautiful Chinese man, who looked to be around twenty-two or twenty-three years old,no more than that from Demir's observation. The man's hair was cut short on the sides, longer at the top, combed back, and dyed platinum blond. He had black eyeliner around his pretty brown eyes, ring hoops in his ears and one in his lip. A stud in his nose and a dangling dragon earring in his right ear. His fingers were adorned with rings and he had silver and leather bracelets on both wrists. Leather pants, a black fishnet shirt, and he was wearing his jacket. He also wore a silver chain around his neck with the Jade Dragon Triad crest dangling from it.
Wolf tilted his head as he gazed at the young punk. “Bitch, I will fuck you up.”
“Bring it,” he challenged and beckoned Wolf with his fingers.
“That won't be necessary,” said a deep, smooth voice from the crowd.
“I can handle this,” said the blond-haired punk.
A gorgeous Chinese man stepped forward wearing a dark blue suit, white shirt, and black leather shoes. He exuded style and sophistication and Demir was taking notes. The suit fit the man like it was tailored to caress his strong lines and curves. His brown eyes were keen as he studied them. No piercings that Demir could see. His hair was tapered on the side, a bit longer at the top, styled with a part on the side. The man had cheekbones you could cut diamonds with. He was stunning.
The two men looked to be related and when the man looked at the blond, giving him an expression that left no room for backtalk, the younger man smacked his lips and stepped back.
The man turned from the blond to face Wolf again. “I understand that there was some unpleasant altercation between your club and my family earlier tonight. We'd like to extend our apologies.”
“The fuck we do,” the blond snapped.
The other man said something in Mandarin to the blond without turning to face him. Demir understood what was said and it was enough to shut the blond up again.