“Try to avoid any more bloodshed.”

“That is my plan,” Tian Yu said.

Content with that answer, he ended the call, and then explained everything to his wife and Chen.

“Is he fucking insane?” Mèng Yáo snapped.

“Yu-Fei has always been hotheaded. It was the reason why your father had insisted that Tian Yu run Chicago with him. To be able to reel him in,” Chen said.

Da Han stared out of the window as he thought about everything. “His antics have put us in jeopardy if Tian Yu can't calm the situation down. When I make my move on the Lords and Castiellos, I don't want the threat of my uncle looming over me.”

“This attack may be what they were waiting for,” Chen said.

“That is why it was imperative for us not to make these types of mistakes. I'm sure Tian Yu didn't know Yufei would be this short-sighted or this stupid,” Da Han fussed.

“What if Tian Yu can't resolve this issue?” Mèng Yáo asked.

“Then we're going to war before I wanted to,” Da Han said.

“Problem is, the Lords and Castiellos are more established in this country. We have men in Chicago, L.A., Miami, and now in Orlando. They have reinforcements in all the major cities, three chapters in Florida alone. And the chapters in L.A. and Las Vegas I hear are quite large. We may have to call in help from Japan. Our Chinese branch is busy looking for your uncle,” Chen said.

That was what had Da Han concerned. His uncle and all the men he had with him. Some of those men were former members who betrayed the triad. Others his uncle had recruited on his own and were still in Beijing and Hong Kong. He would havestayed there to deal with that situation if the Castiellos hadn't gotten rid of the Mancini family and started selling drugs. He knew he couldn't pull any men from China right now, at least, it wasn't wise to. And even though he was married to Hiko Saotome’s daughter, he didn't like being indebted to the Yakuza.

“Let's hold off on contacting Hiko for now,” Da Han said.

“My father will send help,” Mèng Yáo said, her tone encouraging.

“I know. Still, I am the leader of the Jade Dragon Triad, not the Saotome Yakuza. I'll ask for your father's help if I need it. As long as Tian-Yu can extinguish this fire, we're good,” Da Han said, then growled. “I'm going to kill Yufei for this!” He slammed his fist against the window, cursing in Mandarin as he did. “Fucking Yufei!”

Mèng Yáo slipped her hand between her husband's legs, massaging his thigh, her fingers brushing his groin. Da Han jerked a bit from the tickle in his balls at the motion, then turned to face his wife. She smiled. “Let us hope that Tian Yu can take care of this.”

“I hope so,” Da Han said with a snarl. His night had been going so well until just now.

Chapter sixteen

Demir "Fox"

Demir stood in thecorner of the room and listened as his boyfriend and president went over the plan for their attack. Wolf was ready to bring the heat because Lords never backed down, especially not when this level of disrespect was shown. The two members whose cuts had been taken stood leaning against the wall, their expressions a mixture of rage and shame. Even though none of the brothers and sisters made them feel bad for losing their cuts, Demir could see that Bruiser and Goat still felt like it was their fault.

Wolf walked over to the two men, patting them on their shoulders. “Don't worry about this, brothers. No one is blaming you. You whooped ass as best you could when you were that outnumbered by a bunch of fucking high-kicking ninjas,” he said, half joking, half being serious.

“I just know that I'm going to bust one of their heads fucking open like they did mine,” Bruiser said.

“Shit, I think you already did. You broke that asshole's leg,” Goat told Bruiser as he slapped his pec with the back of his hand.

“I should have killed that fucker,” Bruiser snarled.

“I'm glad you didn't,” Wolf said. “Remember, tonight is about whooping ass, getting our members' cuts back, and forcing these assholes to respect us. It's not about killing anyone unless they leave us no choice. Killing one of them means we can't go back. It'll be full-on war.”

“Aren't we prepared for that, though?” Shade asked as she tied her silver and black hair into a ponytail.

“If it was our club against their gang, yeah. But we all know that these motherfuckers need to be handled with care. Vito said that the Jade Dragon Triad is also linked with the Saotome Yakuza. We can already take into account that their Japanese connection will be called in.”

“That's why I think it's best to strike now. I mean, why wait until they get their ducks in a row?” Python asked, bringing up a good point.

Wolf looked at Demir. “Hey Fox, mind chiming in on any of this as a representative of the Castiello family?”

Demir nodded once. “Our army is also vast. And once our boss, Rico, lays waste to outfits in New York, we'll have even more territory and power. But until then, we don't want our resources stretched. We also have reinforcements that we can call in from Sicily.”