“Let me show you to your room,” Monty said.

Ren turned and frowned. “I want to sleep in your bedroom. We're married now, it's our bedroom,” he fussed.

Monty cocked an eyebrow at him. “I didn't give you permission to speak.”

“Watch it,” One of Ren's bodyguards warned.

Monty turned to him. “No. It is you who must now mind your business.”

The guard stepped up to Monty, his gaze as cold as the ice that ran through his veins. “Heismy business.”

Montgomery studied the man for a few seconds, trying to remember his name. “Sakura Ishii, correct?”

Sakura nodded.

“Ren and I are married and I will be doing things to him that you may not agree with. But it is what he wants and what he needs because he wanted me to be his husband. I will not have you interfering with our relationship or Ren's training and discipline. I will not harm him or endanger his life, but I must establish the rules of our relationship and I will not tolerate your meddling.”

“I don't care what you will or won't tolerate. His father pays me to protect him,” Sakura said.

Montgomery looked at Ren. “Then take him to his home. If he chooses to live with me, it's by my rules.”

“You listen to—”

“No, Sakura,” Ren interjected and walked over to the two men. “He's my husband and my Dom now.”

“If you think I'm going to let him talk or treat you with disrespect,” Sakura began, but paused when he saw Ren shake his head.

“See, this is why I didn't want you to join me in the club. If I scream for help, then you can do what you do. Otherwise, butt out,” Ren said, putting his foot down.

Montgomery looked at Sakura, an eyebrow arched, waiting for the man to take his orders.

Sakura nodded. “If that is what you wish, sir.”

“It is,” Ren answered. Then turned to Montgomery. “I will be sleeping with you, right?”

“Is that how you will address me?” Montgomery asked.

“Can I sleep with you, sir?” Ren corrected.

Sakura cocked both eyebrows, because he'd never seen the youngest son of the powerful Mujin Family call any other man sir. Especially not one as conceited as this Montgomery was. Whatever lifestyle choice this was that the two men were engaged in, it wasn't anything he would have wanted any part of, that much he knew.

Montgomery pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. It'd been a very stressful and long night. All he wanted to do was sleep. He lifted his head and looked at both men before him. “Yes, Ren, you'll be sleeping in my bedroom. I was speaking to your security team anyway. I will show you to your rooms.”

“Oh, okay, sir,” Ren said, smiling.

“Follow me,” Monty said, and he led Sakura and the other man to his master bedroom where they dropped off Ren's luggage. Next, he took them to their bedrooms. One was on the first floor and the other was on the second. Sakura took the one on the second floor because it was closest to the master bedroom. The two men left to gather their luggage from the other car. Monty walked into his bedroom and began to undress as he made his way to the bed. Ren was right behind him, undressing as well.Monty climbed under the covers in only his black silk boxers. He watched as Ren stripped the last of his clothing off and stood beside the bed with his pink briefs on.

He checked out the boy's body and it was beautiful. Slender, hairless, and toned with smooth lines and soft skin. Under different circumstances, he would want to take his pleasure in the brat, but this wasn't the time. As Ren lifted the sheets to climb in, Monty contemplated if he'd let the little bastard sleep in the bed or on the floor. He was too tired to punish the brat that night. He allowed Ren to climb into the bed, but stopped him when he tried to snuggle closer.

“No. Be grateful I let you sleep in the bed and not on the floor. But as I've stated earlier, you have not earned the right to touch me, brat. So, sleep on your side,” Monty told him.

Ren looked at him and the longing sadness in his eyes almost made Monty want to relent. But then he thought about everything that had gone down and the memories made it easier for him to stick to his guns. It was true, the night could have been worse, far worse, because Ren's father wanted their company and he was going to get it by any means. Montgomery didn't doubt that. Ren's desire for him may have very well saved his life and his parents' lives. He'd consider that... tomorrow after he'd had some sleep.

Chapter fifteen

Da Han

Da Han listened tothe flight attendant inform him that the plane would be landing in ten minutes. He nodded and buckled his seatbelt along with everyone else. He smiled, satisfied about how everything had gone that night, from his takeover of Howard's company to his son's marriage. The latter being the only thing he was just a bit concerned about.