“Do you think Ren will be happy?” Mèng Yáo asked him.

Da Han pursed his lips, then sighed. “I don't know, to be honest. He's someone our son has been obsessing over. I do know that I will kill him if he hurts our child. If he knows what's good for him, he'll do everything in his power to give our son the life he desires.”

Mèng Yáo nodded. “I just can't believe my baby is married. It was all so sudden and not the wedding I would have wanted for him. I think if in a year, the two are still married, we should have them renew their vows with an official celebration.”

“Another one? What about the one you mentioned before?”

Mèng Yáo waved her hand. “That's just the reception. They didn't get one.”

“Ahh, I see,” Da Han said with a nod. “I think Ren would enjoy that.”

“Are you going to miss not having three of your kids with you?” Mèng Yáo asked.

Da Han gave a slight smile. “I have Yìchén with me.”

“He doesn't want to fall in his father's footsteps, though? How will you rein him in?”

“He will get in line. He's twenty and in school. I don’t want to take that away from him, but he needs to step up.” Da Han said.

When the plane landed, they all climbed off and into the waiting vehicles. As soon as he was settled, Da Han turned off Airplane Mode on his cell, then began reading his text messages. He frowned as he read several by Tian Yu, his younger brother, and they were about their youngest brother, Yufei.

“Fuck!” Da Han cursed, drawing the attention of his wife and Vanguard.

“What's wrong?” Mèng Yáo asked.

Chen simply waited to hear his boss' response.

“Yufei, he disobeyed my fucking orders and attacked the Lords, stole two of their members' cuts,” Da Han said with a snarl. He dialed Tian Yu first. “What happened?” he asked in Mandarin as soon as his brother answered.

Tian Yu's voice was deep, sexy, and calm as he spoke to his brother in the same language. “Our sibling got the bright idea to strike first. He and his gang attacked two of the Lords in their own territory. Yufei took their cuts to force their president to claim them. He wants to use the encounter to warn them to not try to extend their territory into ours.”

Da Han pinched the bridge of his nose in his frustration. This was not something he needed and he was definitely going to have words with his little brother when he saw him. “What's happening now?”

“I'm with Yufei at the moment because we're expecting retaliation. Two of his gang members were put in the hospital and from what I heard, they beat the Lords up good enough for them to need medical treatment.”

“Shit,” Da Han hissed, because he needed to be able to de-escalate the situation before it got out of hand. He planned to monitor the Lords and Castiellos to see what moves they would make. He needed to get a feel for their situation as he was still settling into Chicago. His younger brother had been running their territory just fine, but that was before the Castiellos and Lords joined forces and before the Lords took out the Devil's Regrets and the Castiellos ran the Mancini family out of the city. “Text me your location, I'm on my way.”

“Don't come. I've got this. Getting you involved would elevate the situation. Let me handle it,” Tian Yu said. His brother was their business manager and it was his job to make sure all of their financial dealings looked legit on paper. So, that meant he handled their numerous business ventures where their money was being laundered. He always kept a leveled head. If anyone other than him or his Vanguard could deal with this mess, it was Tian Yu.

“Fine, but I want to be kept updated about everything and when you're done, send Yufei to me,” Da Han ordered.

“I will,” Tian Yu said.

“Where are the others who were injured?”

“All but one was released from the hospital. They're here with me and Yufei.”

“Is Yufei hurt?”


“Not yet, then,” Da Han said, thinking about what damage he was going to do to his little brother when he saw him.

Tian Yu chuckled softly at that. “I decided to save that honor for you.”

“Good. Who's in the hospital?”

“Jun Hie, he'll be okay. Just his leg was broken and he got a few cuts and bruises.”