I gulp, frantically smoothing my hair down. Robert’s with an older woman, and as we get closer, I can see the resemblance: she has the same dark hair and athletic build as Josh, wearing a simple, understated shift dress. “Darling,” she beams, coming to pull him into a hug. “You look so relaxed! Didn’t I say, you needed a vacation?”

“Yes, mom.” Josh smiles, before introducing us. “Hazel’s an incredible production designer,” he adds. “This wedding is all down to her.”

“He’s exaggerating,” I say immediately.

“I’m not,” Josh insists with a grin.

“It’s great to meet you.” Annette gives me a wide, curious smile. “I took your advice, by the way,” she adds, patting Josh on the arm. “We had that talk, about the old days, growing up with Robert… it made me nostalgic, so I brought an old friend along to surprise him. I hope that’s OK.”

“Of course,” I reply immediately. “There’s plenty of room. And cake.”

That’s when another woman walks in. She’s about Annette’s age, in her late fifties; tanned and slim, her hair styled in a chic blonde bob laced with silver grey. She pauses just inside the room, looking around uncertainly.

Robert stops dead beside us. “It can’t be…” he breathes, looking dumbstruck. And then he’s crossing the room straight to her, and greeting her with a long, intimate hug.

“Who’s that?” I ask, getting a very bad feeling.

Annette turns. “Oh, there she is. That’s Karina,” she says, waving to them. “We all grew up together. She and Robert dated in high school, would you believe it? It feels like a lifetime ago. She was his first love.”

I watch as Robert fawns all over Karina, taking her wrap, and flagging down a waiter to fetch her a drink, and all the while never once taking his eyes off her.

With a sinking heart, I realize exactly who this old friend is:

The one that got away.

We takeour seats for dinner. I’m at the head table again, sitting beside Josh. He subtly shifts his chair closer, so his thigh is pressed against mine beneath the table, and he can lean in to murmur in my ear.

“Just giving Bucky more room,” he says, breath light on my cheek. “You don’t mind, do you?”

I feel a shiver at his closeness, but flash a playful smile. “I’ll live.”

A part of me is breathless, still swept up in the fairytale feeling of this gown, and the flowers, and how good he looks in that tux, but for all the sensual awareness sizzling in my veins, I can’t forget the drama playing out down the table.

“For our first course, fresh snapper ceviche,” the server announces. Everyoneoohsandahhsover the stunning plates, adorned with edible flowers and gold leaf, but still, Robert only has eyes for Karina. He’s moved the place cards around, so she’s right beside him.

With Avery on his other side.

“I want to hear all about your life,” Robert says, gazing at Karina. “I can’t believe it’s been so long.”

“Yes,” Avery coos, leaning over. “And if you have any embarrassing stories about my Robert when he was young, you have to share. It’s been so fun hearing about the old days,” She squeezes Robert’s hand as Karina sounds a groan.

“The old days! Don’t say that, you’ll make me feel ancient.”

Robert shakes his head. “You haven’t aged a day.”

Uh oh.

I turn to Josh, keeping my voice hushed so nobody can hear. “So your mom just decided to invite Karina out of nowhere?” I ask, giving him a meaningful look. “Three guesses who planted that genius idea. Josh, you promised: no more sabotage!”

He hold his hands up in surrender. “I know, I’m sorry! I suggested it weeks ago, I didn’t even remember it, until…”

“Until she came waltzing in, and your uncle clear forgot that he’s getting married tomorrow. To somebody else,” I finish, my heart sinking.

“Maybe it won’t be so bad?” he offers.

But I can already tell, it is.

Dinner continues. Toasts are made, groomsmen give raunchy speeches, and a jazz quartet plays a string of romantic Sinatra hits. Laughter and conversation fills the tropical air, and even Lottie’s having a blast down the table with Reeve and Ivy, but despite all the distractions, I keep one anxious eye on our bride-to-be and groom. Because while it looks like everything’s going great, I can tell, the vibes are going from bad to worse. Karina makes pleasant conversation, Robert hangs off her every word, and Avery sips her wine, smiling widely like nothing is wrong.