It's the performance of a lifetime, but I can’t imagine how she must be feeling right now.

“I can’t believe it’s been so long,” Robert is saying, gazing at Karina like she’s a Playboy centerfold, and not a perfectly-nice 50-something woman in orthopedic sandals. “I thought about reaching out, when I heard about your husband passing,” he says, taking her hand. “I should have sent my sympathies. I’m so sorry for your loss.”

“So tragic,” Avery agrees, leaning in. “I’m sure it was a once-in-a-lifetime love. The kind that canneverbe replaced.” She smiles prettily.

“It was rough there at first,” Karina nods. “We had so many good years together. But it’s true what they say, about time being the greatest healer. I’m feeling more like myself again, these days.”

“I’m glad to hear it.” Robert looks thrilled.


I nudge Josh with my elbow. “This is a disaster,” I whisper to him. “A slow-motion relationship train wreck!”

“What is?” he seems oblivious, and I blink.

“Haven’t you been paying attention?” I ask in disbelief, but Josh just gives me a slow, melting smile.

“I can’t focus on anything else, not with you looking so gorgeous tonight.”

He casually slips his arm around me, his hand resting on my lower back. Even through the silk of my dress, I can feel his touch blazing through me.


I drag my attention back to the not-so-happy couple.

“I hope you don’t mind me crashing the party like this,” Karina is saying, looking concerned. “Annette insisted it would be alright.”

“Are you kidding? You’re the new guest of honor,” Robert declares loudly.

“Yes. It’s lovely to have you sharing in our special day.” Avery adds, but Robert is already chatting to her about old memories.

“…and do you remember that time at the drive-in? We got a flat tire, and I thought your dad would kill me for keeping you out past curfew.”

“Josh changed our tire today,” Lottie pipes up, from further down the table.

“I had a great assistant,” Josh replies. “She’s a natural with a wrench.”

Karina smiles. “I hope you were handier than your uncle,” she says, gently teasing. “He couldn’t tell a screw from a wing-nut. I had to get down there in the mud and fix it myself. Ruined my favorite dress, too.”

“The red one!” Robert exclaims, looking misty-eyed. “You cut the hem short, and wore it that time we hitchhiked out to Nashville to see the Rolling Stones.”

“Oh, we saw them, too,” Avery pipes up brightly. “Didn’t we, baby? It was in Vegas, last month, a VIP showcase,” she adds, squeezing Robert’s arm again. “Such a fun show.”

“But it wasn’t the same,” he says, still smiling at Karina. “Not like it was back when we were young.”


Avery downs the rest of her champagne. “I have a headache coming on,” she says quietly.

Robert barely glances over. “Can you take an aspirin?”

She pushes back her chair. “I think I’ll have an early night. I should get my beauty rest,” she adds, flashing another big smile. “I want everything to be perfect for our special day.” She gives Robert a showy kiss, manages a smile at Karina, and then waltzes out.

I watch her leave, worried. “I should check on her—” I start, but Brooke beats me to it.

“I’ll go,” she says, rising – and reaches to grab another full bottle of champagne. “See you all tomorrow for the ceremony.”

I can only cross my fingers there’s still one to see.