“I know,” I gasp, flexing around him. His eyes are dark above me, glittering with a look that’s half wonder, half madness, and I know exactly how he feels.

It’s too good.

Damn, when this man is inside me, it’s the kind of perfect that could ruin me forever.

I can’t explain it, there’s no good reason, except when he dips a kiss to my mouth and slowly starts to move, I just about lose my mind.

Heat, and friction, and slick, gasping thrusts; everything else melts away, until there’s nothing but the slow, filthy slide of our bodies and the low heat burning, coiling tighter in my spine. I’m arching against him, moaning for more, but Josh pins me down, keeping up a steady, deliberate rhythm that somehow hits everything just right.

“Please…” I’m begging, but I’m not even sure what for. I just know I need more of it.All of him.“Please, Josh…”

“Aww Christ… ” Josh moves to kiss along my jaw, my neck, as his body keeps up the slow, relentless thrusts. “When you beg me like that… I’d do anything for you, baby. But I know what youneed.”

He bites down softly into my shoulder, but doesn’t break his stroke for a moment, just shifts my knee up higher to hit a new angle as he thrusts, dragging his cock slowly inside me, over and over again, high and deep and?—


I scream in shock as my orgasm hits me, wild as a force of nature and just as unstoppable. Pleasure shatters through my body, fierce and sweet, as I clutch at him, lost to the storm of it.

Oh my god!

“I told you, I’ll get you there every damn time,” Josh growls, ragged in my ear. I’m too far gone to care about the smug satisfaction in his voice, so I just clench around him, clawing at his back.

“Fuck,” he groans, driving even deeper. “I’d make you take another, but the way you feel going off…”

“Don’t wait,” I gasp, pleasure still crashing through me. “I want to feel you come…”

Josh curses, thrusting faster, harder; his movement turning stuttered and desperate until he sounds a wild groan, and then he’s surging into me, coming hard, and it’s all I can do to hold on tight and marvel that even when he’s being stubborn and wrong and driving me crazy, this man can still send me out of my mind.



When I surface,I’m laying in Josh’s arms, warm against him as the sound of our ragged, rapid breathing slowly coming back to normal. I exhale happily, my whole body still humming with pleasure. Away from all the wedding chaos for a moment, I can actually relax. It’s so peaceful here, quiet and?—

“Wait,” I realize something, sitting up in a rush. “Do you hear that?”

“What?” Josh doesn’t move, he just sprawls there, exhausted, with his eyes closed and a wide, satisfied grin on his lips.

I can’t help but smile. The man deserves his rest after the workout he just delivered, but there’s something more pressing on my mind. “That, the rain,” I explain. “It’s not coming down so hard anymore.”

Josh opens his eyes and yawns. “I could say something about coming hard, but you just fucked all the jokes out of me.”

I laugh. “I didn’t realize you had any to begin with,” I tease, then look around again. The heavy drumbeat of water on the roof of the hut has definitely eased, and it’s more like a light rattle now. “Do you think we could get cell service again?” I ask hopefully.

“I honestly couldn’t care less. Come back here.” Josh snakes a hand around my waist, trying to pull me back down into his arms, but I wriggle free. As much as I’ve enjoyed being trapped here in the rainstorm with him, I’m guessing it will lose its allure pretty soon once the sun goes down and we’re stuck without food or a blanket.

Or a box of condoms.

I pull my damp clothes on and find my phone again. “I think I’ve got service,” I report breathlessly, waving my phone around. “There’s a bar here… no, wait, over here…”

Josh let out a reluctant sigh, and then clambers to his feet. “Give me that,” he says, yanking on his pants with one hand, while he slowly circles the hut, holding my phone up high. “Got it!” he reports, over by the door.

“Call them!” I cry. “Call someone now!”

“Now I see how it is,” Josh grins. “You just want to have your wicked way with me, and go. I feel so used,” he sighs theatrically, and I laugh.

“Tell me you don’t want a hot shower and some real food,” I point out.