He pauses. “OK, you win. But I’m going to need some cuddling later to make up for it.”

It only takesfifteen minutes for the hotel car to come pick us up. By the time we bounce back down the mountain, I’ve got my damp clothes on straight, my hair smoothed down, and my hormones just about under control again.

Well, almost.

“Don’t think this means I’m not still mad at you,” I warn him, as we arrive back at the resort. “I’m not going to let you ruin this wedding, whatever sneaky stunts you’re planning.”

“So we’ll just agree to disagree.” Josh grins, helping me out of the Jeep. “In fact, we can disagree some more in my room later. You can yell at me as loud as you like,” he adds with a wink.

“Nice try,” I pull away, even if I’m already thinking of ways to makehimdo some yelling next time…

“Wait.” I stop, looking around the lobby. “Where is everyone?” It’s still raining out, and the lobby is deserted. I don’t even see anyone over at the bar.

“They’re all in the banquet hall,” one of the hotel staff says, passing us. “Just down the hall.”

We head in that direction. “How’s your ankle?” Josh asks, a supportive hand on my arm.

“It only aches a little now,” I report, walking carefully.

“So we cured it, with all the sex,” he says, smirking. I laugh.

“Sure. Because that’s a thing that happens.”

Music is playing loudly, and as we get closer, I can make out the song. “Is that… Carly Simon?”

Josh pushes open the doors, and we find Robert and his buddies belting out ‘You’re So Vain’ at full volume on a souped-up karaoke system, as the rest of the wedding party cheers along.

“You probably think this song is about you….”

They’ve pushed the dining tables aside, bringing in comfy-looking couches and arm chairs from the lounge, and there are empty wine glasses and liquor bottles littered all around. Which is probably why the crowd is so raucous, yelling out the song and whooping as Robert hams it up in front of everyone.

I breathe a sigh of relief to see all the smiles and laughter. Even Cash Hendricks seems occupied, cozied up with a bridesmaid all the way across the room. Despite the change of plans for the day, the group seems to be having a great time.

“Guess they found a way to pass the rainstorm,” I comment to Josh, as we venture deeper into the room.

“But it’s not as fun as ours,” he replies, giving me a smoldering grin.

I flush at the steamy memories.

“Hazel! Where have you been?” Ivy waves me over to where she’s curled on a couch with my brother and Brooke. “More wedding plan stuff?”

“Um, nope!” I exclaim. “You all left us up the mountain! Didn’t you even notice I wasn’t here?”

“Wasn’t where?” Reeve looks confused. And drunk. But mostly confused.

I laugh. “Good thing we weren’t waiting on you to come rescue us, little brother,” I tease, reaching over to ruffle his hair.

He bats my hand away. “I told you to stop doing that. Ten years ago!”

“You need a drink,” Ivy announces, and waves grandly to one of the waitstaff clearing empty bottles. “More champagne, good sir!”

“Is there any left in this place?” Josh asks, looking around in amusement at the sloppy, drunken antics. “You guys have drunk the hotel dry.”

“We’re good. Your uncle flew in a hundred cases of Dom Perignon,” I report, and he chuckles.

“It looks like they got through it all… today.”

The song comes to an end, to wild applause. Robert goes to join Avery on a couch, greeting her with a sloppy kiss. She’s laughing, looking rumpled and beautiful in sweatpants and a baby T, with her hair dried in wild, natural waves. Robert pulls her into his arms, and then pumps his fist. “My bride-to-be!” he cheers loudly. “Isn’t she an angel?”