We see the cake off, and I send a couple of the busboys off to hunt down those fly zappers, and then make my way back down after them towards the beach.

It’s dark out now, and the path is lit by strings of lanterns and flaming torches, leading the way through the trees, but still, the path is shadowed, and when I hear a rustling in the jungle, I pause. “Hello?” I call into the darkness, my breath hitching.

Then Josh comes around the bend, and I exhale. “I thought you were the big bad wolf there for a moment,” I say, smiling.

“Come to eat you up?” he asks with a smirk, strolling closer.

Yes, please.

I gaze up at him, looking delicious in the moonlight. I can hear laughter in the distance, coming from the beach, but right now, we’re completely alone.

I take a step towards him.

“Having fun?” I ask, feeling a new kind of boldness in my blood. I tilt my head up, flirty. “Or are you trying to escape?”

Josh shakes his head slowly, eyes dark in the shadows. “Not running from…” he says slowly. “Runningto.”

I don’t have to ask ‘to what?’, not with the way he’s looking at me.Wanting. His eyes drift to my mouth again, and I see the muscle in his jaw flex.

I’ve been replaying our ‘almost’ kiss at the market all night, so this time, I don’t hesitate. I go up on my tiptoes, wrap my arms around his neck, and kiss him hungrily.

Just like that.

Josh sounds a low groan against my lips, and then he’s kissing me back; his hands sliding around my waist and pulling me hard against him. It’s hot, and breathless, and downright luxurious, the feel of this man’s mouth on mine. Searching.Probing. Easing my lips open and sinking his tongue into my mouth to taste and tease at his leisure.

Good Lord, this man can kiss.

My whole body goes boneless, and I sway against him, lost in the pleasure of the moment, andGod, the way he effortlessly holds me up, hands running over my hips now, exploring the silky planes of my dress and sending new heat spiraling across my skin with every touch.


I clutch at him, kissing him wildly now, my head spinning and my body on fire. I want to yank his shirt open, and feel every inch of him; run my tongue across that taut stomach, and?—

“Why can’t youdosomething?” an angry voice sounds, just down the path.

“Because it’s not my call.”

It’s Robert and Avery, I realize – and they’re coming closer!

“Go!” Grabbing Josh, I drag him off the path and into the dark jungle, until we’re out of sight, hidden in the trees.

“What are you doing?” he protests, laughing.

“Shh!” I hush him frantically, pushing him back until we’re pressed up against a palm trunk. “We’re hiding!”

“OK,” he grins, pulling me into his arms again and dipping his head to whisper a trail of blazing kisses across my bare collarbone.

God. His touch is incredible, and I have to bite back a moan. But before I can lose myself in the moment completely, Avery’s voice echoes loudly through the trees, sharp enough to make even Josh pause.

“I can’t believe you won’t take my side on this!” she exclaims to Robert. “You’re going to be myhusband!”

They stop nearby on the path, and from the glimpse I can make out through the foliage, it’s not a fun discussion. Avery paces, tearful. “You promised me!”

“I promised to get you in the room,” Robert replies, sounding annoyed. “But he’s the director, it’s his call.”

“And it’s your studio!” Avery cries. “You’re the boss.”

“Which means it’s even more important that I don’t play favorites. Come on, baby, do you really want me to be the reason you got the part?”