“Yes!” Avery snaps. “Because then at least I’d have it!”

She turns on her heel, and storms off, up towards the resort. Robert exhales. “Baby,” he calls after her. “Baby, calm down. There’ll be other roles!”

He follows after her, disappearing into the trees.

We’re left alone.

“Ouch.” I exhale, emerging back onto the path again. “That didn’t look good. I hope they can make it up soon.”

“Maybe it’s a good thing,” Josh says, and when I turn, I realize, he’s looking tense. “My uncle should know what he’s getting himself in for, before it’s too late.”

“I think we’re past that point,” I point out gently. “After all, the ceremony is Friday, and there are two hundred wedding guests downing champagne right about now.”

Josh shakes his head. “I’m going to go talk to him.”

“Josh,” I start, feeling awkward. “It’s just a little quarrel. Maybe you shouldn’t get involved.”

“He’s my uncle, I’ll decide about that,” Josh snaps. Then he sighs, dragging a hand through his hair. “Look, I just want to check he’s OK. I’ll see you later.”

He turns on his heel, and strides away.

I wince. I understand his urge to try and protect his uncle from making a mistake, but Robert isn’t someone in need of protection: he’s one of the most powerful men in Hollywood, and more than capable of making his own choices in life – even if Josh doesn’t agree with them.

But it’s his family business, and none of mine.

I turn and continue on towards the party – except when I arrive at the beach, there’s not much of a party left. Guests are streaming towards me up the path, and clambering on to a fleet of golf carts, swatting and waving to try and escape the swarm of flies now buzzing around the tables.

“Change of plans!” Reeve reports, as he races past with Ivy and Brooke. “We’re surrendering the beach, and staging a tactical retreat to the bar!”

I look around. The gorgeous banquet that took weeks of planning and hours of set-up sits abandoned, flies buzzing everywhere like something out of a horror movie.

What a waste!

“Can we save any of it?” I ask a waiter in despair, as he fends off the buzzing pests.

“The cake’s still under cover,” he offers, backing away. “But they said just to leave the rest, and clean up in the morning!”

The last stragglers disappear into the trees, and I’m left alone. Just me, a couple of hundred thousand dollars of exquisite decor, and a hoard of angry flies devouring our delicious meal.

Let’s just hope they’re not the first plague, or we’ll have pestilence, boils, and locusts before the week is out.

I grab a napkin, and swat my way over to the dessert table. All the delicate pastries are a lost cause, but that gorgeous six-tier cake is protected by a swathe of decorative silk. I can’t just leave it to the bugs and vermin, not after all the chef’s hard work, so I carefully lift the huge platter, and slowly make my way back up towards the resort, straining under the weight.

Damn, organic cashew buttercream weighs a ton.

Somehow, the path seems a mile long this time, and by the time I see the lights of the resort up ahead, I’m out of breath, and wishing I’d hitched a ride on one of the last golf carts out.

Or just sat down in the middle of the jungle, and eaten half the cake myself.

I glance down at the towering tiers. It’s tempting, it really is a masterpiece. And I didn’t even get to enjoy dinner…

Distracted, my foot slips on an uneven paver. The cake wobbles in my arms as I try to regain my balance, and for a terrible moment, I think that it might fall. But then I steady myself, and the wobble stills.

Phew. My heart pounds in relief. That was close! Taking slow, even steps, I round the final corner to the back of the kitchens?—

Just as one of the hotel staff comes hurrying out, too fast to stop. He crashes straight into me, sending me flying.
