I’m vaguely aware that I’ve felt like this before, just like this. And it was Zeph I lost myself in the last time too.
Other hands twist my hips and my body turns until I’m face to face with a pair of amber eyes and a look that could melt steel. Dante.
He’s a supremely sexy guy. He oozes a kind of elemental sensuality. Raw and barely filtered. And now he’s touching my skin like he can’t keep his hands off me.
I’m sandwiched between the two of them and it’s like being caught in a waterfall. I let myself get swept along with the sensations as they stand on either side of me, working in tandem as their lips meet my neck, my shoulders, any bare patch of skin they can find.
I’m twisted once more and this time it’s Fabian looking at me like he wants to devour me whole. In the back of my mind, a rational part of me is screaming something, but I can’t hear it over everything else. I can’t remember why Fabian and I don’t do this every day.
It feels so damngood.His mouth on mine, his voice in my ear. I’m lost to sensation as three pairs of hands touch and tease, their hands all over me.
“You smell divine,” Dante says in my ear, and I shiver. “I dream of what you’d taste like as I drink you down. Swallow after swallow.”
I let out a helpless whimper and someone tweaks my nipple. Someone else’s mouth is on my neck and another pair of hands are touching my ass.
“What the fuck is happening here?”
I’m vaguely aware of a commotion happening around us and I reluctantly pull my head back to meet concerned eyes.
Hazel eyes.
Roscoe’s eyes.
Shit. What am I doing here?
“We need to get the fuck outta here.” That’s Rook, who has his arm wrapped protectively around Hanna’s tiny shoulders. She beams at me and gives a jaunty wave before stumbling slightly.
“We should all get matching tattoos,” she says.
Someone has me by the hand and pulls me forward, through the mass of sweaty bodies. A blast of cold air hits my face and fills my lungs, and I blink. The world is slowly coming back into focus when I didn’t realize it had gone blurry.
We’re gathered outside the kitchens of the club and I’m not the only one who is blearily rubbing their eyes.
“Wh-what the actual fuck just happened in there?” Zeph rubs his eyes, pushing his hair back from his face.
“Oof, I feel weird.” I clutch at the brick wall of the building behind me, gripping it with my fingertips to keep my balance.
“It feels like someone slipped something into my drink, but I haven’t touched a drop all night.”
None of us have had a single drink all night and I have the dry throat to prove it. My lips are also puffy and a little sore, but that’s for a whole other reason.
“So, uh, it wasn’t just me, right? We all collectively lost our minds in there?” Fabian says.
“We should get home,” Zeph says. “I dunno about you, but I don’t want to spend any more time here than necessary.”
Dante clears his throat. “I’ll, uh, be seeing you later.” He seems to realize his shirt is unbuttoned as he talks and hurriedly yanks it closed, avoiding eye contact with everyone. “Because I live here. So I’ll be going upstairs to... sleep off this day.”
His delivery and body language are both incredibly awkward and I wind up giving him an equally awkward wave in response.
“Well, g’night then.”
The rest of us then head off, heading back to Zeph’s apartment. The walk back feels like it takes forever, but at least the fresh air clears my mind enough that I no longer feel remotely inebriated by the time we get inside.
All of us plop down on the sofa and the surrounding floor while Roscoe heads to the kitchen and puts the kettle on. We’re quiet. Shellshocked.
“I’m gonna have nightmares about this damn night,” Ember says with a groan. “At least I wasn’t the only one who let loose in there.”