Page 74 of Livewire Witch

I notice that he’s looking at Rook and Hanna as he speaks. Hanna is now looking kind of sick and pale, while Rook still has his arm firmly wrapped around her shoulder.

“Did you attempt to have a foursome in public too?” I joke, but it falls flat when I catch Roscoe’s eye. He’s frowning and looking so unlike himself. My stomach twists with guilt.

Did I just fuck up everything that seemed to be growing between us?

I know he was fine with sharing me with Z, but us all consenting to something is very different from me sticking my tongue down three different guys’ throats.

“It kind of felt like being drunk, but I still had my balance, and I hadn’t imbibed anything.” Fabian scrubs a hand over his face. “I’ve never felt like that before.”

“I have,” Zeph mumbles. “Felt like that before, I mean.”

Everyone’s attention is directed his way. It’s a sharp contrast to the lethargic atmosphere of the room just a moment ago.

“When I met you,” he says to me. “You remember?”

As if I could forget. It was like one minute, everything was normal, then I bumped into a sexy wall and lost my damn mind.

... just like tonight.

“I do,” I say.

“You mean when we met Silver at the warehouse?” Roscoe looks confused.

Zeph quickly fills him in on our first meeting. It reveals a lot more than I’d like my family to know, but I guess tonight can’t get more embarrassing. Pretty sure I lost my dignity when I was dry humping a vampire or kissing the guy that can’t remember my name.

“I can’t believe it was me and the vamp,” Zeph mutters into his hands. “I basically shared saliva with avamp.”

“I’m a damn psychic,” Roscoe mutters.

“Fucking nightmare fodder, you’re right about that,” Zeph says to Ember. “The vamp seemed awful interested in your neck, Little Witch.”

“He did, didn’t he?” Something that clearly doesn’t repulse me in the same way it does Zeph.

In fact, the memory of it brings a fresh heat to my cheeks.

“What happened to you three? Did you start getting off with strangers or something? And how did you know something was up?”

The three of them are looking shifty, not making eye contact with each other. What the hell happened to them?

“Didn’t affect me for too long before I snapped out of whatever weird trance everybody was in,” Rook says. “Reckon we were drugged, since I metabolize most shit faster than other people.”

True enough, he never seems to get drunk and has never had a hangover in all the time I’ve known him.

“Managed to drag these two out and bumped into your mage here.” He nods at Roscoe, who then continues the story.

“I took a piss, washed my hands and headed to the room we’d been in. I was wandering around and couldn’t find you anywhere. By the time I remembered you were heading into the other room, the entire damn place seemed to have turned into an orgy. I know it’s all loose and free over in the club, everyone doing what they wanna do. But something seemed off about it.”

“Like the entire room had been roofied or slipped something that made them lose all their inhibitions.”

I suddenly recall the sweet scent that was in the air. “Could it have been a drug that was pumped into the air-conditioning unit or something?”

“I’ve heard of people losing all inhibitions when they take Rapture,” Z says. “Maybe we all got a big dose of it.”

“I guess that makes sense,” Roscoe replies. “How else would it have affected everyone all at once? I reckon I just got lucky by being out of the room while you were all getting dosed with it.”

What a damn mess.

It doesn’t help that Fabian keeps staring at me and I keep avoiding his eye. I’m not foolish enough to think true love’s kiss has fixed his broken brain.