Page 35 of Livewire Witch

Fuck, I really must be losing it if I’m feeling kinship with someone like him.

My heart just about stopped when she collapsed like she did. Considering it has barely beat since I was turned into a vampire over a century ago, it was a strange sensation.

“She spent almost a week underground. Who knows what sort of conditions she was exposed to down there?” I say.

Roscoe seems lost in his own head as he continues rambling on. “I just wanted to be a safe space for her, but I didn’t even notice she was sick. You did, though. You noticed right away.”

I sip my tea before placing it down on the wooden dresser. “I’ve been around a lot longer than you. And I have stronger senses.”

Plus, I’m attuned to the sight of her face and how it looks normally, slightly flushed with mischief since it seems to haunt my dreams. Today though, she was overly flushed in her cheeks. Her eyes were bright and glossy, feverish.

I gently cup Silver’s delicate jaw with my pale fingers, they shake slightly. My stomach swoops and I pull back to take a deep breath.

I’m nervous, I realize. It happens so infrequently, it’s like I forgot how it feels.

I’ve seen and done a lot in my life. While I might not have lived as long as some, I’ve still witnessed wars, caught the attention of the wrong kind of people and paid heavily for it. I’ve watched as this neighborhood has grown more dangerous, as fights and stabbings and arson became commonplace.

Through it all, there was one thing I could rely on. My sense of calm.

I’ve never been one to panic under pressure, even before I turned into a vampire. I just tend not to get too amped up about things, good or bad. Something about the little witch seems to fluster me though, when not a lot does.

She stirs slightly from the contact and moans softly. Her skin is clammy to touch and warmer than it should be.

“Silver, I’m going to give you something.” My voice is raspy as I try to keep it low and soothing. “Something that’ll make you feel better.”

She gives another pained moan. “Okay.” Her voice is barely more than a pained whisper.

If I hesitate any longer, I might lose my nerve and my chest feels tight to see her like this. So vulnerable.

I also want to get the mage out of my home as quickly as possible.

I QUICKLY USE MY SHARPERthan average canines to cut a slight wound in my inner forearm, letting the blood trickle down the crease of my elbow. Staunching it briefly with my other hand, using a clean handkerchief, I then turn my attention back to Silver.

“I need you to open your mouth for me slightly, Angel.” The endearment slips out without my conscious awareness and I bitemy lip, wishing I could unsay it. It’s not inaccurate though, she does look pretty angelic with her hair splayed out across my pillow like this.

She follows my instructions so sweetly; it causes me to take in a sharp breath. I like it. A lot.

Shit, this is a lot more intimate than I expected.

I guide my arm toward her mouth and lean forward, whispering into her ear.

“Now put your lips on me.” More words then come out of me, as though I have no control over my tongue. “Suck, Angel.”

Her eyelids flutter slightly as she sucks my blood into her mouth and swallows once, twice.

“That’s right, swallow it down.”

My cock grows harder than stone as she gives a pleasured moan, like she’s tasting something delicious for the first time.

I’m a fucking idiot for not thinking this through. There’s a reason an entire section of my club is sectioned off for feedings.

“You taste so good,” she murmurs.

It feels... fucking incredible to have her lips on me like this.

The sensation of her pulling from me, draining me is almost like she’s got those pretty lips wrapped right around my cock.

I shouldnotbe getting off on this. It’s not what I’m here for. I’m an ancient, tired mess and she’s a ray of sunshine. A vulnerable light that doesn’t deserve for me to be getting hard over her when she’s barely conscious.