Then she releases another moan. Her hands come up to hold me in place, like I might take her treat away from her.
“Greedy girl.” I chuckle.
“Fuck, is this supposed to make me hard?”
The mage’s voice is an unwelcome intrusion, snapping my awareness back into the room. My balls feel uncomfortably tight, and this entire thing has been a lot more intimate and vulnerable than I expected. I can’t believe I let my guard down so much.
I touch Silver’s cheek again. Her skin is already regaining some color and her fever is dropping.
“How are you feeling, Angel?”
“G-good.” She smiles up at me and then clears her throat. “Actually, really good.”
I’M ONLY DIMLY AWAREof voices behind us as Silver pulls away, eyes wide and more color returning to her cheeks.
My blood is working its way through her system quickly.
My cock is also rock hard in my sleeping pants. Not the best things to be wearing for it to remain unnoticed. I need to get myself under control.
My spine is stiff with the awareness there are interlopers behind me. I can smell the confusion and irritation coming off them in waves.
“What the fuck is going on here?”
“This day. I just need to get this day to be over,” a second voice mutters.
“Fabian? Zeph? What are you guys doing here?” Silver sucks in a tense breath, peering over my shoulder.
I turn to see the other two members of the motley crew of mages. The bigger one is staring a hole in the side of my head, clutching a somewhat bedraggled bunch of flowers.
“Ro texted. Said you were sick.” The largest of the three stooges glares around the room. “I need you to answer the question,vamp.What the fuck are you doing to her?”
I hold my hands up, pulling away. Luckily, the sight of these idiots in my apartment and the sheer hostility radiating from the angry one is enough to soften my cock.
“I’m not harming her. Silver collapsed, and I’m sure you’re aware that vampire blood has healing properties.”
The big guy grunts, scowling, and seemingly unconvinced by my explanation. “I bet. You sure she didn’t collapse because you drugged her and you’re then gonna bite her? Then the next thing we know, she’ll be splayed out as one of the acts down in your club?”
That’s... extremely specific. When I say as much, I get an unimpressed huff.
Roscoe gets to his feet and steps closer to the bed and I peel myself away from Silver, only now noticing that I’ve remained unnecessarily close without meaning to.
“How are you feeling, sweetheart? You scared the piss out of both of us.”
She pulls herself up into a sitting position, hair tousled like she’s been freshly fed on and fucked, which has my damn cock twitching again. The idiot.
“I’m okay. Feeling pretty good, actually. Like I have a bunch of energy.”
I nod. That’s to be expected. “Some people can get a rush from imbibing vampire blood. You might also experience a small boost in power for the next couple of hours.”
Silver smiles at me and runs a hand through her hair, looking embarrassed. “Thank you. I don’t know what happened. I’ve been feeling pretty ropey, but I didn’t expect to pass out on your living room floor.”
“You were exhausted. You also had a minor infection that should clear up as my blood makes its way through your system,” I explain to her. “I think it’s probably best if you stay for at least another few hours while we see how... er, drinking my blood affects you.” I clear my throat awkwardly.
She nods and gifts me another small smile that has me feeling slightly feverish myself, especially now the memory of her little moan as she fed on me is now locked into my memory.
“Good idea. You wouldn’t want to be accidentally raising hordes of zombies on the way back to the apartment,” Roscoe says.
I notice the way Silver’s eyes dart away from me at his words and tip my head to one side. “Another of your hidden talents?”