Kai couldn’t care less. He steps out of his pants, the boxers following suit.
“We’re made for each other, Ray,” he murmurs, opening my legs and stepping between them as his fingers trace the bottom of my belly until they reach my lips. I shudder, my mouth opening. “You’re mine. All mine," Kai continues in a low voice, circling my nipples so slowly that my back arches on the table with need. “I want everything of you. I want everything that means having you as my wife. Your love, your smiles, your tears, your pain, your kids.”
I suck in a deep breath, my eyebrows trembling at his words. My hand reaches to him, settling on his cheek and caressing it with soft movements. “I’m all yours, Kai Graves. And you are mine."
My entire life, I pictured losing my virginity to a man I didn’t love, to one that I was simply assigned to in exchange for money. A part of me knew I’d have the same destiny as most of my sisters, but then Kai Graves ran over me with his car and changed my life in a few months.
Maybe the circumstances in which we met weren’t perfect, and maybe we played with fate, but as long as this ends with us together, I guess it doesn’t really matter, does it?
Kai leans down, his warmth covering me as a blanket while his kisses land on the skin of my neck, telling our story.
“We should go to bed," he whispers between kisses but doesn’t do any move to stop us from going further. “I should light candles, throw petals on the bed, or something romantic,” he continues, and then his tongue slices my lips open.
I shake my head. “No. This is what I want.”
He puts some distance between us, lifting his head to glance down at me, checking my expression. All the time he searches for something he won’t find, his hands roam all over my body, doing nothing but making me more eager to have him than I was before.
My teeth sink into my bottom lip when his balls brush my clit by mistake, and my eyes roll in my head at the innocent contact. The image must do something to him because he smashes his lips on mine at the same time one of his fingers enters me. He pumps it fast, our teeth clashing from the fierce force we use to devour each other, groans and moans filling the room.
“Please," I whisper against his mouth, then suck his tongue until he adds a second finger, pummeling it in and out with merciless rhythm. Just like I remembered it.
“Fuck." He shudders on top of me when my juices spread on his finger, and I feel them sliding down between my ass cheeks. “No.” Kai shakes his head between my hands, gripping his hair tightly, then steps out, whooshing the warmth away. “I have to tell you something first."
His green eyes pin mine with so much force that I feel the need to lift and support myself on my elbow to keep his stare locked in.
“What is it?” I ask, my voice soft.
Kai takes a deep breath, his palm finding the knee I raised on the table, stroking it as he struggles to find his words. “I’ve been meaning to tell you this, but then my father died and then Carter got you…” His voice gets lost a bit at the reminder of his father’s death, and my skin feels a breath of cold air washing by. It’s quick but definitely noticeable. “It doesn’t matter. I know you spent two horrible weeks, and I don’t know if telling you this is the right thing. Maybe you’re confused.Fuck, maybe I shouldn’t even let you sit naked on your desk, but if it’s what you want, I want you to know what I feel about you.”
Finally, his words make sense in my head, and everything clicks in place. I sit up on my butt, my hand tangling behind his shoulders. “I know." I nod, a smile creeping on my lips.
He returns my smile, placing a quick kiss on my lips. “I love you, Esmeray Graves.”
My cheeks blush, and I try to keep myself from letting my chin bury into my chest. I hold his eyes. “I loveyou, Kai Graves, and I’m glad you hit me with your car.”
Kai laughs, his forehead dropping to mine as he shakes his head. His finger finds its way to my lips, parting them open, and my inside twists with heat at the contact. I lift my chin, showing how little control I hold over myself, eager to have him pressed on me again.
“I feel like the luckiest man alive,” he whispers before his lips smash onto mine, taking every breath I have left to give.
His hands roam all over my body, playing with every sensitive spot of it, and I know he’s holding himself back when I ride my second orgasm and he’s still hard as stone on me.
I break the kiss, breathing harshly as his finger circles my clit. My back arches in a moan. “Make love to me.” I release the air out of my lungs, my voice a whisper.
Kai doesn’t need any other impulse. It’s like my words set his impatience free until all I register is that I’m thrown on my back, his hand shielding my head so I won’t hit myself from the contact.
His warmth disappears, and he pushes my legs open, his eyes glistening on every inch of my body as if I’m a canvas his pupils paint with the touch of their path on my skin. I shiver, enjoying the sweet view of his abs, which fade into a sharp V, where his dick shapes so close to my pussy that I almost feel it on me.
Kai takes his cock into his hand, palming it a few times before he brings it between my lips, spreading my wetness until I’m nothing but a shiver.
God, I hope this never ends.
“You are so wet, my love,” he says with his grave tone. “Sowet.”
I nod, biting my lip so I keep the moans threatening to escape locked inside. Kai thrusts into me, my back moving on the desk with the ferocity of the movement. He leans down on me, and my nails grab on to his back, the pain making me close my eyes tightly.
“It will get better,” he whispers reassuringly in my ear.
He continues moving inside me with slow moves at first, and I don’t even realize when the pain is replaced by pleasure, making containing my moans impossible. His movementsquicken in speed and depth, hitting just the right spot that makes me feel like what I’m feeling is out of this world.