“Yes, of course I do,” I admit softly.
“Then walk out of that house. Quietly.”
My heart stops beating in my chest. “Wait, what? Raven, are you insane? I can’t do that. He’ll find me in the bat of an eye,” I whisper-shout, leaning against the sink.
“You have to trust me. Get out and call me as soon as you can. I love you.”
My sister hangs up the phone, and I put it back in my pocket, not knowing what to do. I trace a hand through my hair as thoughts swim through my head.
I do trust her, but what does she know about what Carter is capable of? What if he finally has had enough of me and tries to kill me? Or worse, Cielle or Lacey? Am I really going to put their lives in danger just to save myself?
Maybe I can find a way to save them too. Maybe this is my only chance to escape before anything else happens to me and then I’m too broken to fight it.
Yes. Raven’s right. I have to do this.
The clothes from Carter are on the edge of the sink, and the shower is still on when I take the steps toward the door. With shaky fingers, I press down the doorknob and pray to God he’s not outside, thinking I’d do something like this.
Thankfully, when I step out, he’s nowhere to be seen. I don’t bother to close the door behind me, afraid that I might make too much noise.
Walking on the stairs is the toughest thing I have to do because they open directly to Carter’s room, and one creak of his door is enough for him to see me. I keep my breath locked in, not making any sound as I slowly take each step.
This is it. I’m almost there.
I make it to the last step, but the moment my feet touch the ground, a hand covers my mouth and drags me to the corner that takes me to the kitchen. I suck in a breath, searching for much-needed air, but I don’t fight his grip.
Because I know him. I know his smell. I know how his arms feel around me.
Tears blur my vision as at least ten cops walk just where I came from, and I point out his door for them, my chest rising and dropping with hectic breaths.
When I slowly turn around in the arms of the man holding me, I can no longer keep it in. My cheeks wet in a second, and he takes his hand from my mouth when the sound of a door landing on the floor makes it to our ears. His palms immediately find my face, cupping it until his lips smash onto mine.
“Kai," I whisper so low I don’t think he can hear, but it doesn’t matter.
Nothing matters anymore. Kai came after me. I’m in his arms, kissing him with so many apologies wandering between us.
I’m finally home.
We break away, and my chest shatters at the image of tears running down her cheeks, turning her beautiful green eyes into red, hurt ones. She was definitely thin before, but there’s nothing but skin on her bones now.
“Did he hurt you?” I ask, my heart beating fast in my chest.
She shakes her head, biting her quivering lip. “You lost so much weight,” Esmeray notices, pain swimming in her eyes. “Is it because of me?”
I place my forehead on hers as the cops shout at Carter. “No, it’s because of what I feel for you, my love. You’re my ray of sunshine, and I wasn’t kidding when I told you that. I’m so sorry for what I’ve done to you. You should’ve never gone through that. You’remy wife.”
Esmeray gulps, watching the policemen take Carter away in nothing but his boxers. My blood rushes hot in my veins, but now is not the time. We follow his defeated look—I was expecting fury and a wish to get back at me. He’s just silent, watching our tangled hands.
“I’ll find you in another life, my precious," the son of a bitch has the courage to mutter, his busted lip pushing forward as he speaks.
My jaw tightens, and I instinctively place Esmeray behind me before I choose to lash out at him. A warm hand on my back stops me.
“Don’t,” she whispers, turning me to her.
All I want is to serve him a punch or two, but now isn’t the right moment. I've dreamed about finding her for two weeks. I can’t let go of this only to revenge her with a few hits. What Carter is going to get will be far worse.