Page 100 of Papers Don't Lie

I can almost feel on my neck the air he releases when he says those three words.

I love you.

They sound so good in my head that I almost believe it.

And because I’m getting ready to sleep, I do the only thing that sends me sleep for at least a few hours, which is more than enough for now. I’ll get better with time.

In my mind, I just woke up and he’s next to me in bed, sleeping before his day at work, and I try to get out quietly to get his clothes ready for today. Before I pick the perfect suit and matching details, I walk downstairs to prepare him breakfast—

“What are you smiling at with your eyes closed?” I hear his voice when he enters the room, and I bite back a breath of exhaustion.

My head snaps to him as he gets into the bed. “I was dreaming about cutting your throat open in your sleep, but then again, if it really happens, I guess you can’t blame me, right? You were the one who’s holding me here against my will anyway.”

“Funny. Go take a shower, precious, and stop with the comedy," he says, pointing with his nose at the door.

I squint my eyes. “I don’t think I stink, but thank you.”

He laughs, but it’s not a real laugh. It’s a dark one, evil almost. “It’s your choice. The shower won’t erase his touch on you anyway, but that doesn’t mean I won’t," he announces like this isn’t a big deal.

My stomach twists at the meaning behind his words. It’s certain that Carter won’t play nice anymore and he’ll take whatever he wants—including my virginity, which I regret now I didn’t give to Kai that night.

I take a deep breath, a bob getting caught in my throat at the idea of what’s about to come. I decide that for now, the smartest move is to go on with it and decide in the process how I can escape this.

There has to be a way.

“Okay. I’ll take a shower in the guest room. You can at least give me that."

Despite his wealth and resources to get the most comfortable and big things, his bed is not enough for two people. It’s crowding me closer to him, so close that if I had a knife in my hand, I wouldn’t need to wait for him to go to sleep. I could do it right now before he could react.

But even if my thoughts are murderous, I’m not a murderer, and I do have to get used to living like this, though it’s the last thing I want. This is my life now, and unfortunately, I don’t have any other choice than to submit.

Or he’ll make me, and I don’t really like that idea.

My parents have called me dozens of times and every time, I ignore the calls. I don’t have a clue what they want from me. I just know they heard about the latest changes and that if they wanted to get me out of Carter’s hands, they would’ve by now.

With a sigh, I get out of the devil’s bed and pick out my grossest clothes before walking away, slamming the door on my way out. His house is nothing like Kai’s. It's as big as his, but instead of being comparted on two floors, it’s expanded on four floors. That’s the thing about Carter—he loves to show off his wealth. Everything in here screams regal, and it could never serve as a real home. That might be the case for him, but not for me.

It’s cold, unwelcoming, and that feeling doesn’t leave me as I enter the room next to his and then the bathroom.

I turn on the shower, but I don’t step inside.

Think, Esmeray.

How can I avoid this? How can I avoid sleeping with the man I loathe when I’m practically his? I’m under his name, in his house, eating his food, and wearing his clothes. The situation couldn’t be less in my favor.

My phone vibrates in my pants, and I fish it out, grateful to see Raven’s name flashing on the screen. I immediately pick it up.

“Rave,” I say in relief.

“Hi," she says with a low voice. “How are you feeling?”

I exhale loudly. “Not good. Carter sent me to take a shower because… well, you know,” I say, a corner of my lips lifting.

“What? You have to get out of there, Esmeray. Now.”

A laugh bubbles out of me, but I keep it quiet. “I wish.”

“Esmeray, do you trust me?”