Stop worrying about me.

I'm definitely not dead.

Having the time of my life.

How's the hunky Ranger and his dick treating you?

LOL His dick isn't doing shit.

Not since we came home from the hospital.

He's overprotective today too which is annoying.

We're heading to some waterfalls today.

So happy for you and only a little jealous.

Try to relax and enjoy it, ok?

And ride that dick.

Lucy snorted and grinned, drawing Mason's gaze as they stood up.

"What's going on?"

She shook her head and slipped her phone into her bag. "My roommate says hi."

"Tell her I said hi too."

She dusted sand off her butt. "I need to go back to the resort and change before we head to the excursion. We should still have time, right?"

He nodded, and she followed him back to their rental car. Half an hour later, they walked to the resort shuttle, Mason carrying her shoulder bag laden with sunscreen, water, and towels.

Chapter 33

The resort shuttle dropped them off at the airport, and they took a helicopter to the other island.

Lucy alternated between pressing her face against the window for a better view and holding Mason's hand tight as her stomach lurched.

His voice was scratchy over the headset. "Never been in a helicopter before?"

She shook her head, but her grin was so wide her cheeks hurt. "No, but it's exhilarating. Oh look, is that Hilo?"

The pilot gave his tour guide spiel and flew over the island. She took probably a hundred pictures before they landed. A rental car was waiting for them. Soon they'd plugged in the gps, and Mason was driving them to the waterfall.

He didn't ask who was driving, but she didn't let it bother her. This was a vacation, and he was determined to take care of her. Besides, it gave her more time to sightsee and take pictures.

As they hiked to Rainbow Falls, she couldn't stop looking around her. Everything sparkled with the morning sun, dew still shining like crystals on the plants. The dirt churned under their feet, and when she slipped, Mason steadied her.

They held hands the rest of the way, soothing the last of the nerves that itched under her skin. The nerves that made her worry about the state of her heart when she went back home.

The waterfall took her breath away and pulled her back into the present. She did a slow half circle to take in every sight, every ray of sun reflecting through the water.

"Wow, so this is why they call it Rainbow Falls. It's breathtaking."

He settled his hand on the base of her spine. "Not as breathtaking as you, sunshine."

She turned her head, finding him closer than she'd thought. Her lips tingled, and his blue eyes burned with passion. When their lips met, he gathered her into his arms. She felt off balance with her big bag behind her and him tipping her with the kiss.