But she wasn't worried. In his arms, she knew she was safe. Always.
He broke the kiss and cupped her face in his rough palm.
She still felt the world tilting when he released her and stepped back. She sat heavily on the nearest rock outcropping, sliding her bag to the ground. He stood with his hands in his pockets as he stared across to the waterfall.
The light filtered through the trees and fell onto his hair, the salt and pepper prominent in the light. He was rugged and fiercely loyal and protective. Was it any wonder she'd fallen in love with him?
She froze, realizing what she'd just thought, realizing why this sense of dread had slowly crept up on her over the past week.
This was what she'd always been afraid of, the reason she'd always wanted to stay away from guys. She'd fall in love like her parents, but love didn't last the hard things. Love ended in pain and loneliness.
The urge to get up and move hit again, and she swung her bag onto her shoulder and took off down the path with a glance to her watch. If she stayed still, she'd end up thinking and worrying and ruin the day. Or worse, professing her love and then things would be awkward when he didn't say it back.
She jumped up and continued down the trail, trying to outrun her fear.
Lucy tried to distract herself from the ache in her chest as they hiked. "We have half an hour to explore before we need to be back on the road for the next item on our itinerary."
He jogged up beside her and sighed. "Luce, can't we just take our time and enjoy it? Look around. It's gorgeous."
She nodded, slowing her feet with a frown. She pulled out her camera and hid behind the lens. "It is. I wish we had waterfalls like this in Texas."
He chuckled. "We have some, just not near the metroplex. And nowhere near this gorgeous. But if you go up toward Oklahoma or down near Austin, there are some good ones."
"Have you been to any of them?"
They stopped at another viewpoint. He nodded and scrambled up and over the rock beside her as she walked around it. He paced a few feet on top before hopping down in front of her, shoving his hands in his pockets as he twisted his back here and there and held one side.
"I took Amanda to one near Austin for a weekend getaway. We stayed at a fancy place on the lake, ate like kings, and then hiked off the heavy meal."
He fell silent beside her, and she searched for a different topic. She hated that sad expression on his face, the way his shoulders fell when he talked about her.
"Maybe you can take me someday," she blurted. Her cheeks heated, but she didn't look away. He blinked as if not seeing the waterfall at all, then turned to face her.
The sad expression was gone, but in its place was a blank one. She didn't know how to interpret it. Damn him and his acting skills.
He shrugged, his face guarded. "Maybe. If the Texas Rangers retire me or stick me in a desk job to gather dust, I might as well move back to Crimson Creek and be a regular old police officer."
"But you don't want to do that, do you." It wasn't a question. She knew the answer, had heard it from him and Ray both.
"No, it's not what I want." His words speared her heart, making her stomach flip. Was he talking about the job or being with her?
For once, she wanted to take the easy way out and ignore it. She wouldn't ask for clarification. She would not. She might love him—God help her—but she still had her pride, damn it.
He continued, turning back to look at the waterfall. "I want to make the biggest impact and help the most amount of people. Crimson Creek is great, and the police department is in pretty good shape. The sheriff is a good man, and he runs a tight ship."
"But I feel like there's more out there for me. More people to save and help. I'm still useful. I can—"
His phone rang in his pocket, and he stopped to get it. She stopped and pulled her own out to take pictures, texting them to Taylor.
Her phone rang. She glanced at Mason to see him still on the phone a few feet away, so she answered it.
"Hey, Tay, how's it going?"
"Oh my God, it's so good to hear your voice. I believe you now. You're not dead."
Lucy laughed and rubbed her forehead, setting her bag down and pulling out the water. "We talked this morning. Why are you worrying so much?"